ASCII Character & Control Codes:
   Name   Char  Dec   Hex  Description
   NUL     ^@   00    00   null                   
   SOH     ^A   01    01   start of heading       
   STX     ^B   02    02   start of text          
   ETX     ^C   03    03   end of text            
   EOT     ^D   04    04   end of transmission    
   ENQ     ^E   05    05   enquiry                
   ACK     ^F   06    06   acknowledge            
   BEL     ^G   07    07   bell                   
   BS      ^H   08    08   backspace              
   HT      ^I   09    09   horizontal tab         
   LF, NL  ^J   10    0A   line feed, new line    
   VT      ^K   11    0B   vertical tab           
   FF, NP  ^L   12    0C   form feed, new page    
   CR      ^M   13    0D   carriage return        
   SO      ^N   14    0E   shift out              
   SI      ^O   15    0F   shift in               
   DLE     ^P   16    10   data link escape       
   DC1     ^Q   17    11   device control 1       
   DC2     ^R   18    12   device control 2       
   DC3     ^S   19    13   device control 3       
   DC4     ^T   20    14   device control 4       
   NAK     ^U   21    15   negative acknowledge   
   SYN     ^V   22    16   synchronous idle       
   ETB     ^W   23    17   end of trans. block    
   CAN     ^X   24    18   cancel                 
   EM      ^Y   25    19   end of medium          
   SUB     ^Z   26    1A   substitute             
   ESC     ^[   27    1B   escape                 
   FS      ^\   28    1C   file separator         
   GS      ^]   29    1D   group separator        
   RS      ^^   30    1E   record separator       
   US      ^_   31    1F   unit separator      
Character Codes:
    Dec Hex Sym    Dec Hex Char  Dec Hex Char  Dec Hex Char
   -----------    ------------  ------------  ------------
    0   0  NUL     32  20        64  40  @     96  60  `
    1   1  SOH     33  21  !     65  41  A     97  61  a    
    2   2  STX     34  22  "     66  42  B     98  62  b    
    3   3  ETX     35  23  #     67  43  C     99  63  c    
    4   4  EOT     36  24  $     68  44  D    100  64  d    
    5   5  ENQ     37  25  %     69  45  E    101  65  e    
    6   6  ACK     38  26  &     70  46  F    102  66  f    
    7   7  BEL     39  27  '     71  47  G    103  67  g    
    8   8   BS     40  28  (     72  48  H    104  68  h    
    9   9  TAB     41  29  )     73  49  I    105  69  i    
   10   A   LF     42  2A  *     74  4A  J    106  6A  j    
   11   B   VT     43  2B  +     75  4B  K    107  6B  k    
   12   C   FF     44  2C  ,     76  4C  L    108  6C  l    
   13   D   CR     45  2D  -     77  4D  M    109  6D  m    
   14   E   SO     46  2E  .     78  4E  N    110  6E  n    
   15   F   SI     47  2F  /     79  4F  O    111  6F  o    
   16  10  DLE     48  30  0     80  50  P    112  70  p    
   17  11  DC1     49  31  1     81  51  Q    113  71  q    
   18  12  DC2     50  32  2     82  52  R    114  72  r    
   19  13  DC3     51  33  3     83  53  S    115  73  s    
   20  14  DC4     52  34  4     84  54  T    116  74  t    
   21  15  NAK     53  35  5     85  55  U    117  75  u    
   22  16  SYN     54  36  6     86  56  V    118  76  v    
   23  17  ETB     55  37  7     87  57  W    119  77  w    
   24  18  CAN     56  38  8     88  58  X    120  78  x    
   25  19   EM     57  39  9     89  59  Y    121  79  y    
   26  1A  SUB     58  3A  :     90  5A  Z    122  7A  z    
   27  1B  ESC     59  3B  ;     91  5B  [    123  7B  {    
   28  1C   FS     60  3C  <     92  5C  \    124  7C  |    
   29  1D   GS     61  3D  =     93  5D  ]    125  7D  }    
   30  1E   RS     62  3E  >     94  5E  ^    126  7E  ~    
   31  1F   US     63  3F  ?     95  5F  _    127  7F  

All characters from the Latin Alphabet No. 1 can be displayed in HTML by direct coding of the corresponding ASCII values. This can be achieved by using the &#ASCII-code;-sequence. The following table is an overview of the complete ASCII-table with the correct HTML-coding and the corresponding characters.
      HTML-coding               Description

   &#00; - &#08;       Unused
   &#09;               Horizontal tab
   &#10;               Line feed
   &#11; - &#31;       Unused
   &#32;               Space
   &#33;               Exclamation mark                  !
   &#34;               Quotation mark                    "
   &#35;               Number sign                       #
   &#36;               Dollar sign                       $
   &#37;               Percent sign                      %
   &#38;               Ampersand                         &
   &#39;               Apostrophe                        '
   &#40;               Left parenthesis                  (
   &#41;               Right parenthesis                 )
   &#42;               Asterisk                          *
   &#43;               Plus sign                         +
   &#44;               Comma                             ,
   &#45;               Hyphen                            -
   &#46;               Period (fullstop)                 .
   &#47;               Solidus (slash)                   /
   &#48; - &#57;       Digits 0-9
   &#58;               Colon                             :
   &#59;               Semi-colon                        ;
   &#60;               Less than                         <
   &#61;               Equals aign                       =
   &#62;               Greater than                      >
   &#63;               Question mark                     ?
   &#64;               Commercial at                     @
   &#65; - &#90;       Letters A-Z
   &#91;               Left square bracket               [
   &#92;               Reverse solidus (backslash)       \
   &#93;               Right square bracket              ]
   &#95;               Horizontal bar _
   &#96;               Acute accent                      `
   &#97; - &#122;      Letters a-z
   &#123;              Left curly brace                  {
   &#124;              Vertical bar                      |
   &#125;              Right curly brace                 }
   &#126;              Tilde                             ~
   &#127; - &#160;     Unused
   &#161;              Inverted exclamation              ¡
   &#162;              Cent sign                         ¢
   &#163;              Pound sterling                    £
   &#164;              General currency sign             ¤
   &#165;              Yen sign                          ¥
   &#166;              Broken vertical bar               ¦
   &#167;              Section sign                      §
   &#168;              Umlaut (dieresis)                 ¨
   &#169;              Copyright                         ©
   &#170;              Feminine ordinal                  ª
   &#171;              Left angle quote, guillemotleft   «
   &#172;              Not sign                          ¬
   &#173;              Soft hyphen                       ­
   &#174;              Registered trademark              ®
   &#175;              Macron accent                     ¯
   &#176;              Degree sign                       °
   &#177;              Plus or minus                     ±
   &#178;              Superscript two                   ²
   &#179;              Superscript three                 ³
   &#180;              Acute accent                      ´
   &#181;              Micro sign                        µ
   &#182;              Paragraph sign                    ¶
   &#183;              Middle dot                        ·
   &#184;              Cedilla                           ¸
   &#185;              Superscript one                   ¹
   &#186;              Masculine ordinal                 º
   &#187;              Right angle quote, guillemotright »
   &#188;              Fraction one-fourth               ¼
   &#189;              Fraction one-half                 ½
   &#190;              Fraction three-fourths            ¾
   &#191;              Inverted question mark            ¿
   &#192;              Capital A, acute accent           À
   &#193;              Capital A, grave accent           Á
   &#194;              Capital A, circumflex accent      Â
   &#195;              Capital A, tilde                  Ã
   &#196;              Capital A, ring                   Ä
   &#197;              Capital A, dieresis / umlaut mark Å
   &#198;              Capital AE dipthong (ligature)    Æ
   &#199;              Capital C, cedilla                Ç
   &#200;              Capital E, acute accent           È
   &#201;              Capital E, grave accent           É
   &#202;              Capital E, circumflex accent      Ê
   &#203;              Capital E, dieresis / umlaut mark Ë
   &#204;              Capital I, acute accent           Ì
   &#205;              Capital I, grave accent           Í
   &#206;              Capital I, circumflex accent      Î
   &#207;              Capital I, dieresis / umlaut mark Ï
   &#208;              Capital Eth, Icelandic            Ð
   &#209;              Capital N, tilde                  Ñ
   &#210;              Capital O, acute accent           Ò
   &#211;              Capital O, grave accent           Ó
   &#212;              Capital O, circumflex accent      Ô
   &#213;              Capital O, tilde                  Õ
   &#214;              Capital O, dieresis / umlaut mark Ö
   &#215;              Multiply sign                     ×
   &#216;              Capital O, slash                  Ø
   &#217;              Capital U, acute accent           Ù
   &#218;              Capital U, grave accent           Ú
   &#219;              Capital U, circumflex accent      Û
   &#220;              Capital U, dieresis / umlaut mark Ü
   &#221;              Capital Y, acute accent           Ý
   &#222;              Capital THORN, Icelandic          Þ
   &#223;              Small sharp s, German sz ligature ß
   &#224;              Small a, acute accent             à
   &#225;              Small a, grave accent             á
   &#226;              Small a, circumflex accent        â
   &#227;              Small a, tilde                    ã
   &#228;              Small a, tilde                    ä
   &#229;              Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark  å
   &#230;              Small ae dipthong (ligature)      æ
   &#231;              Small c, cedilla                  ç
   &#232;              Small e, acute accent             è
   &#233;              Small e, grave accent             é
   &#234;              Small e, circumflex accent        ê
   &#235;              Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark  ë
   &#236;              Small i, acute accent             ì
   &#237;              Small i, grave accent             í
   &#238;              Small i, circumflex accent        î
   &#239;              Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark  ï
   &#240;              Small eth, Icelandic              ð
   &#241;              Small n, tilde                    ñ
   &#242;              Small o, acute accent             ò
   &#243;              Small o, grave accent             ó
   &#244;              Small o, circumflex accent        ô
   &#245;              Small o, tilde                    õ
   &#246;              Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark  ö
   &#247;              Division sign                     ÷
   &#248;              Small o, slash                    ø
   &#249;              Small u, acute accent             ù
   &#250;              Small u, grave accent             ú
   &#251;              Small u, circumflex accent        û
   &#252;              Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark  ü
   &#253;              Small y, acute accent             ý
   &#254;              Small thorn, Icelandic            þ
   &#255;              Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark  ÿ