EE 315/ECE 451

Nanoelectronics I

Course Syllabus (Fall 2016)

Fairfield University School of Engineering

Course Number: EE 315 / ECE451

Course Name: Nanoelectronics I

Course Time: Mon, Wed 5 pm-6:15pm

Course Location: BNW 341

Schedule: 9/7/2015 - 12/20/2016


Instructor: Jeffrey N. Denenberg

Office: BNW 301C

Office Phone: (203) 254-4000x3330
Google Phone: (203) 513-9427

Hours: : Tues & Thurs 4:30 – 6:00,
            Wed 3:00 – 4:30

Personal email checked at all times
Office email checked only during regular hours

Course Description:

Building on the two introductory courses in nanotechnology, this course is the first of two that describe how nanotechnology can be integrated in to the electronics industry.  The unique electrical mechanical, and optical properties of structures in the nanometer range and how they may be applied to electronics products are discussed.  Principles of electronic materials, semiconductor devices, and microfabrication techniques will be extended to the nanoscale.  Students will increase their knowledge of electronic structure and the behavior of optoelectronic and low-dimensional systems.  Students make extensive use of the available literature to seek out potential applications of nanotechnology.  Intended for students interested in the minor in nanotechnology – Nanoelectronics track. Also open to interested graduate students in ECE. 
Lecture course.                                                                                               Three credits. 

Prerequisites:  EE 213 and EG212 or permission of instructor

Objectives and Outcomes




Cognitive Level

ABET a‑k


To understand the physical laws governing the behavior of electrons in solid materials

Students will be able to solve mathematical models and describe the behavior of quantum mechanical and solid state physics of bulk materials

Knowledge  & Application



To understand how nanoscale phenomena can impact the electrical and optoelectronic properties of nanostructures

Students will mathematically analyze the effects of reducing electronic materials to the nanoscale





To understand the present state of nanotechnology in contemporary electronics and optoelectronics

Students will survey the available literature, write a report, and present an explanation of a current product incorporating Nano electronic components or methods. 

Comprehension, Analysis, & Synthesis

I, j, k



Students will critique peers’ oral presentations on the effectiveness of their explanations and their analysis of the Nano electronic elements. 


j, k



Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics, George W. Hanson, Pearson/ Prentice Hall, ISBN: 978-0-13-195708-4

Reference Video Lectures by Dr. Supriyo Datta, Purdue:

·       nanoHUB-U: Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics, Part 1: Basic Concepts
Video Notes: Index to Vol 1, Lect. 1-9, Lect. - 10-17

·       nanoHUB-U: Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics, Part 2: Quantum Models

Performance Indicators and grading:

Midterm exams will be given during the term as outlined in the syllabus. 

Homework Quizzes (Best 5 of 8 count)                      50%

Quiz Review Exam                                                     25%

Team Seminar                                                             25%

Quiz policy:

The purpose of homework: A: To give student practice; B: To give professor feedback.

Homework will be not be collected or graded.  Short in-class quizzes will be given to determine student effort on homework.  Homework is due the week after it is assigned (except when specified).   The related quiz will be scheduled after there is an opportunity to review the homework. 

If you understand how to do the homework problems you will have an easier time with the Quizzes.


The presentation will consist of partner research into a topic in Nanoelectronics that is being exploited in current products.  This presentation will be graded for thoroughness, depth of the research primarily and the use of your own words.  Presentation style will only be a secondarily issue.  You will also critique each other’s presentations. 

Class structure:

Lectures will be the primary source of information.  Homework assignments will be discussed in class.  Students will be expected to work problems in class.  You will find it beneficial to review the chapters before the lecture.

Office hours are open for discussion of anything.  You can get help with homework, projects, or more detailed explanations of topics covered in class.  Feel free to stop by, or make an appointment to meet another time.

Academic Integrity:

Working with classmates to study, resolve problems, and learn the material is expected and encouraged during normal course work.  However, during individual evaluations (e.g. quizzes, exams, individual projects, etc.) you are expected to comply with all standards of academic honesty.  You will be graded fairly, and so your work should fairly represent your knowledge, abilities, and effort, not that of others.  Any breach of integrity (including but not limited to: copying solutions, internet solutions, copying from peers, claiming work or designs without proper citation, etc.), will not only impact your ability to learn the material and my ability to help you through proper feedback, it will result in academic penalty.  Any individual found in breach of this code will fail the afflicted assignment and will be asked to meet privately; any other offenses will be referred to the Dean for further action, and could result in penalties as severe as expulsion from the University.  

Class Topics and Order of Material








05 - Sep

07 - Sep

Labor Day: No Classes

Introduction to Nanoelectronics



Ch.1: 1,3,4

Team Seminar Project

Datta - New Paradigm


12 – Sep

14 – Sep

Classical Particles and Waves, Quantum Particles

Quiz 1


Ch.2: 1-3,6

Datta - Module 1.2


19 – Sep

21 – Sep

Quantum Mechanics of Electrons

Quiz 2



Ch.3: 1,2,4,7

Datta - Module 1.3


26 – Sep

28 – Sep

Free and Confined Electrons

Quiz 3



Ch.4: 1,3-5

Datta - Module 1.4


03 - Oct

05 - Oct

Free and Confined Electrons

Review Ch 4 HW




Datta - Module 1.5


10 - Oct

12 - Oct

Columbus Day – No Class

Band Theory of Solids & Optoelectronics




Ch.5: 1,2,6,7

Datta - Module 1.6


17 - Oct

19 - Oct

Tunnel Junctions & Applications

Quiz 4



Ch.6: 1,3,4,9


Datta - Module 2.1


24 - Oct

26 - Oct

Coulomb Blockade and SET

Quiz 5



Ch.7: 1,2,4,6


Datta - Module 2.2


31 - Oct

02 - Nov

Density of States

Quiz 6



Ch.8: 4,6,8


Datta - Module 2.3


07 - Nov

09 - Nov

Semiconductor Quantum Wells/Wires/Dots

Quiz 7



Ch.9: 1,4,9


Datta - Module 2.4


14 - Nov

16 - Nov

Fabrication Techniques

Quiz 8




Datta - Module 2.5


21 - Nov

23-27 Nov

Semi/Classical/Ballistic Transport

Thanksgiving – No Classes






28 - Nov

30 - Nov

Review for Quiz Comprehensive Exam

Quiz Comprehensive Exam





05 - Dec

07 - Dec

Exam Reprise – Team Presentations

Team Presentations





12 - Dec

Team Presentations





Dec 13, 14 and 18

Reading Days – No Classes or Exams





Dec 14-21

Final exam period





Dec 15

3:00-6:00 Team Presentations (if required)