William.Waite@Colorado.edu |
This specification can be processed by the Eli system to yield a ``lint'' program, a browsable HTML version of the document, or a PostScript version. The specification can also be used as one component of a larger specification from which a C compiler or special-purpose analyzer could be generated, or it could form the basis for a specification of an extension to C.
This specification was developed and tested using Eli 4.0. A complete description of Eli, including the current public-domain source code, can be found at URL http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~eliuser/.
c.gla[1]==This macro is attached to a product file.Lexical elements[15] $# (auxEOL) $\f
c.con[2]==This macro is attached to a product file.Constants[43] Enumeration constants[51] String sequence[54] Primary expressions[70] Postfix operators[71] Unary operators[79] Cast operators[84] Multiplicative operators[87] Additive operators[89] Bitwise shift operators[92] Relational operators[94] Equality operators[97] Bitwise AND operator[100] Bitwise exclusive OR operator[102] Bitwise inclusive OR operator[104] Logical AND operator[106] Logical OR operator[109] Conditional operator[112] Assignment operators[115] Comma operator[125] Constant Expressions[126] Declarations[127] Statements[170] External definitions[177] Function definitions[178] Optional symbols[14] root: source . source: / file . file: translation_unit .
c.map[3]==This macro is attached to a product file.MAPSYM Expressions[69] Map the assignment operator symbol[116] Declaration_specifier equivalence class[133] Direct_declarator equivalence class[154] Member_declarator equivalence class[139] Parameter_part equivalence class[157] Abstract_declarator equivalence class[166]
c.lido[4]==This macro is attached to a product file.Function scope[18] File scope[19] Block scope[20] Tag scope[24] Function prototype scope[23] Disambiguation of member names[28] Semantics of declarations[129] Semantics of structure and union specifiers[141] Semantics of enumeration specifiers[143] Semantics of declarators[159] Access to the key attribute for ordinary identifiers[182] Tags[144] Use of an enumerated type tag[148] Check for multiply-declared tags[145] Tag that may or may not be a declaration[147] Forward definition of a tag[149] Anonymous structure, union or enumerated type[150] Pointer declarators[161] Array declarators[163] Function declarators (including prototypes)[164] Semantics of type names[167] Semantics of function definitions[179] Semantics of identifiers[180]
c.oil[5]==This macro is attached to a product file.Types[30] Implicit conversions[56] Array subscripting[72] Function calls[75] Postfix increment and decrement operators[77] Address and indirection operators[80] Unary arithmetic operators[82] Cast operator semantics[85] Multiplicative operator semantics[88] Additive operator semantics[90] Bitwise shift operator semantics[93] Relational operator semantics[95] Equality operator semantics[98] Bitwise AND operator semantics[101] Bitwise exclusive OR operator semantics[103] Bitwise inclusive OR operator semantics[105] Logical AND operator semantics[107] Logical OR operator semantics[110] Conditional operator semantics[113] Simple assignment[117] Compound assignment[123]
c.c[6]==This macro is attached to a product file.#include "eliproto.h" #include "err.h" #include "envmod.h" #include "termcode.h" #include "pdl_gen.h" #include "c.h" State variable definitions[199] Initial classification of identifier terminals[220] Re-classify an identifier terminal to fit the context[221] Bind a defining occurrence of an ordinary identifier[225] void InitOrdinary() { Initialize the array of definition table keys[209] Initialize the set of bindings having file scope[185] }
c.h[7]==Initialization of the scanner must include initialization of the environment for ordinary identifiers.This macro is attached to a product file.#ifndef C_H #define C_H #include "eliproto.h" #include "envmod.h" #include "RegionStack.h" #include "OrdinaryIdStack.h" #include "reparatur.h" State variable declarations[204] Operation interfaces[226] extern void InitOrdinary(); #endif
scanops.h[8]==This macro is attached to a product file.#ifndef SCANOPS_H #define SCANOPS_H #define SCANPTR \ { InitOrdinary(); TokenEnd = TEXTSTART; StartLine = TokenEnd - 1; } #endif
c.pdl[9]==This macro is attached to a product file.Properties of ordinary identifiers used during parsing[211] Function conversion operator[63] Property characterizing multiply-declared tags[146]
c.specs[10]==This macro is attached to a product file.Name analysis modules for label identifiers[17] Name analysis modules for member identifiers[140] Name analysis module for ordinary identifiers[128] Name spaces of identifiers[27] Create a module to stack Environment values[184] Create a module to stack DefTableKey values[206] Create a module to stack identifier state values[214]
c.head[11]==This macro is attached to a product file.#include "c.h" #include "termcode.h" #include "IdStateStack.h" Computations for obtaining the tag environment from a declarator[22]
c.init[12]==This macro is attached to a product file.Initialize the class of ordinary identifiers[215]
c.ctl[13]==This macro is attached to a product file.Do not allow attribution during tree construction[183]
Optional symbols are defined implicitly in the standard, but explicit definitions are required in order to generate a parser:
Optional symbols[14]==The symbol empty is used only in those cases where the attribution rules require a tree node with a nonterminal child.This macro is invoked in definition 2.abstract_declarator_opt: / abstract_declarator . constant_exp_opt: / constant_expression . declaration_list_opt: empty / declaration_list . member_declarator_opt: / member_declarator . expression_opt: / expression . identifier_list_opt: / identifier_list . init_declarator_list_opt: / init_declarator_list . parameter_type_list_opt: / Prototype begin[186] Begin a parameter_type_list[194] parameter_type_list End a parameter_type_list[195] Prototype end[187] . statement_list_opt: / statement_list . empty: .
Lexical elements[15]==This macro is invoked in definition 1.Identifiers[16] Floating constants[44] Integer constants[48] Character constants[52] String literals[53] Comments[55]
Identifiers[16]==The ambiguity resolution rules of Eli guarantee that every character sequence satisfying this definition will be initially classified as an identifier, and that the token processor IdnOrType will be invoked after the character sequence has been recognized. IdnOrType may then re-classify the sequence if that is appropriate.This macro is invoked in definition 15.identifier: $[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* [IdnOrType] Type definitions[168] Additional terminal symbols representing identifiers[205]
A label name is the only kind of identifier that has function scope. It can be used (in a goto statement) anywhere in the function in which it appears, and is declared implicitly by its syntactic appearance followed by a :. Label names shall be unique within a function.
An instantiation of Eli's Unique module is used to verify that label names must be unique within a function.
Name analysis modules for label identifiers[17]==The Unique module exports two symbols: LabelUnique marks the nodes representing the occurrences of the identifiers to be tested for uniqueness, while LabelRangeUnique marks the subtree containing all of those nodes.This macro is invoked in definition 10.$/Prop/Unique.gnrc +instance=Label +referto=Label :inst
Function scope[18]==Every other identifier has a scope determined by the placement of its declaration (in a declarator or type specifier). If the declarator or type specifier that declares the identifier appears outside of any block or list of parameters, the identifier has file scope, which terminates at the end of the translation unit.This macro is invoked in definition 4.SYMBOL file INHERITS LabelRootScope, LabelRangeUnique END; SYMBOL function_definition INHERITS LabelRangeScope END; RULE: jump_statement ::= 'goto' LabelUse ';' END; SYMBOL LabelUse INHERITS LabelIdUseEnv COMPUTE IF(EQ(THIS.LabelKey,NoKey), message(ERROR, "Label identifier is not defined", 0, COORDREF)); END; RULE: labeled_statement ::= LabelDef ':' statement END; SYMBOL LabelDef INHERITS LabelIdDefScope, LabelUnique COMPUTE IF(NOT(THIS.LabelUnique), message(ERROR, "Label identifier is multiply defined", 0, COORDREF)); END;
File scope[19]==If the declarator or type specifier that declares the identifier appears inside a block or within the list of parameter declarations in a function definition, the identifier has block scope, which terminates at the } that closes the associated block.This macro is invoked in definition 4.SYMBOL file INHERITS TagRootScope END;
Block scope[20]==In a function_definition, the declaration_list_opt and compound_statement are parts of the same scope. If a prototype is given for the function, that prototype is also part of the scope.This macro is invoked in definition 4.SYMBOL declaration_list_opt INHERITS TagRangeScope END; SYMBOL compound_statement INHERITS TagRangeScope END; ATTR TagEnv: Environment; RULE: function_definition ::= declaration_specifiers declarator declaration_list_opt compound_statement COMPUTE Block scope tag environment for a function definition[21] END; RULE: function_definition ::= declarator declaration_list_opt compound_statement COMPUTE Block scope tag environment for a function definition[21] END;
Block scope tag environment for a function definition[21]==A parameter_part phrase may contain nested parameter_part phrases, which could not be the prototype of the function being called. Thus the CONSTITUENTS process must be prevented from examining components of parameter_part phrases. On the other hand, it must examine nested declarator phrases because the function and its prototype may be enclosed in parentheses. The SHIELD clause has this effect, and also prevents the examination of array size specifications (which cannot contain the function's prototype).This macro is invoked in definition 20..TagEnv= declarator CONSTITUENTS parameter_part.TagEnv SHIELD (parameter_part, constant_exp_opt) WITH (Environment, Leftmost, IDENTICAL, NOENV); declaration_list_opt.TagEnv=IF(EQ(.TagEnv, NoEnv), NewEnv(), .TagEnv); compound_statement.TagEnv=declaration_list_opt.TagEnv;
Even at the top level, however, a declarator may contain many parameter_part phrases. The one defining the parameters of the function is textually the leftmost, so the WITH clause uses Leftmost to choose the leftmost non-null environment.
Computations for obtaining the tag environment from a declarator[22]==If the declarator or type specifier that declares the identifier appears within the list of parameter declarations in a function prototype (not part of a function definition), the identifier has function prototype scope, which terminates at the end of the function declarator.This macro is invoked in definition 11.#define Leftmost(x,y) ((x)==NoEnv?(y):(x)) #define NOENV() NoEnv
Function prototype scope[23]==If an outer declaration of a lexically identical identifier exists in the same name space, it is hidden until the current scope terminates, after which it again becomes visible.This macro is invoked in definition 4.SYMBOL parameter_part INHERITS TagRangeScope END;
Two identifiers have the same scope if and only if their scopes terminate at the same point.
Structure, union and enumeration tags have scope that begins just after the appearance of the tag in a type specifier that declares the tag.
Tag scope[24]==Each enumeration constant has scope that begins just after the appearance of the defining enumerator in an enumerator_list.This macro is invoked in definition 4.SYMBOL TagDef INHERITS TagIdDefScope END; SYMBOL TagUse INHERITS TagIdUseEnv END;
enumerator[25]==Any other identifier has scope that begins just after the completion of its declarator.This macro is invoked in definition 142.enumerator Carry out a deferred binding[223]
Innermost declarator[26]==A typedef_name is an ordinary identifier, declared by a declaration containing the storage_class_specifier ``typedef''. The scopes of all ordinary identifiers must therefore be determined during parsing in order to support IdnOrType in its task of classifying character sequences recognized as identifier. Only in this way is it possible to decide whether a particular use of an ordinary identifier should be interpreted as a typedef_name.This macro is invoked in definition 153.direct_declarator Carry out a deferred binding[223]
Name spaces of identifiers[27]==This macro is invoked in definition 10.$/Name/AlgScope.gnrc +instance=Label +referto=Label :inst $/Name/CScope.gnrc +instance=Tag +referto=Tag :inst $/Name/CScope.gnrc +instance=Member +referto=Member :inst Ordinary identifier name space[181]
Disambiguation of member names[28]==Ordinary identifiers must be renamed during parsing in order to avoid an ambiguity in the grammar. That process does not meet the preconditions for using any of the Eli name analysis modules, and therefore must be handled with more primitive operations. The details are presented in a later chapter.This macro is invoked in definition 4.RULE: Expression ::= Expression '.' MemberIdUse END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression '->' MemberIdUse END;
component_list: [29]==This macro is invoked in definition 138.component_list: Begin a component_list[192] '{' struct_declaration_list End a component_list[193] '}' .
This section introduces the OIL identifiers used to represent basic C types, sets of types, and user-defined types. All of these identifiers begin with TypeIs_. Identifiers representing the basic types of C continue with one or more C keywords, all lower case, giving the canonic name of the type in the standard (e.g. TypeIs_char). Identifiers representing sets of types and user-defined types continue with a capitalized name. That name is the one used by the standard to describe the set of types or the derivation of the user-defined type wherever possible (e.g. TypeIs_Integral, TypeIs_Pointer).
Sets of types are specified in this section by OIL SET directives.
The standard provides mechanisms for a user to define additional types. Each of these mechanisms is specified in this section by an OIL CLASS.
Types[30]==A TypeIs_char object is large enough to store any member of the basic execution character set.This macro is invoked in definition 5.Signed integer types[31] Unsigned integer types[32] Floating types[33] Integral types[40] Arithmetic types[41] Scalar types[42] Promoted types[59] Structure types[36] Union types[37] Enumeration types[34] Function type derivation[38] Array type derivation[35] Pointer type derivation[39]
There are four signed integer types:
Signed integer types[31]==For each of the signed integer types, there is a corresponding (but different) unsigned integer type that uses the same amount of storage (including sign information) and has the same alignment requirements:This macro is invoked in definition 30.SET TypeIs_Signed_Integer= [TypeIs_signed_char, TypeIs_short, TypeIs_int, TypeIs_long];
Unsigned integer types[32]==There are three floating types:This macro is invoked in definition 30.SET TypeIs_Unsigned_Integer= [TypeIs_unsigned_char, TypeIs_unsigned_short, TypeIs_unsigned_int, TypeIs_unsigned_long];
Floating types[33]==TypeIs_char, the signed and unsigned integer types, and the floating types are collectively called the basic types. Even if the implementation defines two or more basic types to have the same representation, they are nevertheless different types.This macro is invoked in definition 30.SET TypeIs_Floating= [TypeIs_float, TypeIs_double, TypeIs_long_double];
An enumeration comprises a set of named integer constant values. Each distinct enumeration constitutes a different enumerated type.
Enumeration types[34]==TypeIs_void comprises an empty set of values; it is an incomplete type that cannot be completed.This macro is invoked in definition 30.CLASS TypeIs_Enum() BEGIN Enumeration conversion[58] Operator defined for this enumeration type[122] END;
Any number of derived types can be constructed from the object, function and incomplete types, as follows:
An array type describes a contiguously allocated nonempty set of objects with a particular member object type, called the element type. Array objects are characterized by their element type and by the number of elements in the array. An array type is said to be derived from its element type, and if its element type is T, the array type is sometimes called ``array of T''. The construction of an array type from an element type is called ``array type derivation''.
Array type derivation[35]==A structure type describes a sequentially allocated nonempty set of member objects, each of which has an optionally specified name and possibly distinct type.This macro is invoked in definition 30.CLASS TypeIs_Array(elementType, pointerType) BEGIN Array conversion[62] Operators defined for this array type[73] END;
Structure types[36]==A union type describes an overlapping nonempty set of member objects, each of which has an optionally specified name and possibly distinct type.This macro is invoked in definition 30.CLASS TypeIs_Struct() BEGIN Operator defined for this struct type[120] END;
Union types[37]==A function type describes a function with a specified return type. A function type is characterized by its return type and the number and types of its parameters. A function type is said to be derived from its return type, and if its return type is T, the function type is sometimes called ``function returning T''. The construction of a function type from a return type is called ``function type derivation''.This macro is invoked in definition 30.CLASS TypeIs_Union() BEGIN Operator defined for this union type[121] END;
Function type derivation[38]==A pointer type may be derived from a function type, an object type, or an incomplete type, called the referenced type. A pointer type describes an object whose value provides a reference to an entity of the referenced type. A pointer type derived from the referenced type T is sometimes called ``pointer to T''. The construction of a pointer type from a referenced type is called ``pointer type derivation''.This macro is invoked in definition 30.CLASS TypeIs_Function(returnType) BEGIN Operators defined for this function type[76] END;
Pointer type derivation[39]==These methods of constructing types can be applied recursively.This macro is invoked in definition 30.CLASS TypeIs_Pointer(referencedType) BEGIN Pointer[66] Discard pointer values[65] Null constant for this pointer type[68] Operators defined for this pointer type[74] END;
The standard specifies that the representations of integral objects shall define values by use of a pure binary numeration system:
Integral types[40]==Enumerated types are considered to be integral also, but an OIL set is a static object and therefore cannot contain a class as a member. Each enumerated type must therefore be individually described as integral, which is the effect of the integer promotions described below.This macro is invoked in definition 30.SET TypeIs_Integral= [TypeIs_char] + TypeIs_Signed_Integer + TypeIs_Unsigned_Integer;
Arithmetic objects are those that can participate in arithmetic operations:
Arithmetic types[41]==Scalar objects are those that can be compared with one another:This macro is invoked in definition 30.SET TypeIs_Arithmetic = TypeIs_Integral + TypeIs_Floating;
Scalar types[42]==Pointer types are considered to be scalar also, but an OIL set is a static object and therefore cannot contain a class as a member. Each pointer type must therefore be individually described as scalar, which is the effect of the pointer conversions described below.This macro is invoked in definition 30.SET TypeIs_Scalar = TypeIs_Arithmetic + [TypeIs_VoidPointer];
Constants[43]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.constant: floating_constant / integer_constant / character_constant .
Floating constants[44]==This macro is invoked in definition 15.floating_constant: $(F[45]E[46]?|D[47]+E[46])[flFL]? [mkidn]
F[45]==This macro is invoked in definition 44.(D[47]*\.D[47]+)
E[46]==This macro is invoked in definition 44.([eE][+-]?D[47]+)
D[47]==This macro is invoked in definitions 44, 45, 46, and 48.[0-9]
Integer constants[48]==This macro is invoked in definition 15.integer_constant: $([1-9]D[47]*|O[49]|H[50])([uU][lL]?|[lL][uU]?)? [c_mkint]
O[49]==This macro is invoked in definition 48.0[0-7]*
H[50]==This macro is invoked in definition 48.0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+
Enumeration constants[51]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.enumeration_constant: OrdinaryIdDef Defer binding the declared identifier[222] .
Character constants[52]==This macro is invoked in definition 15.character_constant: C_CHAR_CONSTANT
String literals[53]==Sequences of string literals are translated as single strings. By defining such a sequence as a StringSeq, we allow the specification to use Eli's canned description of a single string literal.This macro is invoked in definition 15.string_literal: C_STRING_LIT
String sequence[54]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.StringSeq: string_literal / StringSeq string_literal .
Comments[55]==This macro is invoked in definition 15.C_COMMENT
Each implicit conversion is defined in this section by an OIL COERCION specification.
Implicit conversions[56]==The specifications in this section assume that objects of certain types are capable of representing all of the values of other types. Those assumptions are completely compatible with the standard, but may not hold for a specific implementation of C. If this type analysis module is being used in a translator, and the assumptions do not hold, then the specifications must be changed as indicated in the accompanying text.This macro is invoked in definition 5.Characters and integers[57] Usual arithmetic conversions[60] void[64] Conversions for null pointer constants[67]
Characters and integers[57]==This macro is invoked in definition 56.COERCION CChartoInt(TypeIs_char): TypeIs_int; COERCION CUnsignedChartoInt(TypeIs_unsigned_char): TypeIs_int; COERCION CShorttoInt(TypeIs_short): TypeIs_int; COERCION CUnsignedShorttoInt(TypeIs_unsigned_short): TypeIs_int;
Enumeration conversion[58]==It may be necessary to alter these definitions based upon the target machine if this module is to be used in a translator: If an int object cannot represent all values of the argument type, the result type for those conversions must be unsigned int.This macro is invoked in definition 34.COERCION CEnumtoInt(TypeIs_Enum): TypeIs_int;
Certain operators require that the integral promotion be performed on their operand(s), and the result has the promoted type. These operators are therefore defined in terms of sets that include only promoted integer types:
Promoted types[59]==This macro is invoked in definition 30.SET TypeIs_IntegralPromoted= [TypeIs_int, TypeIs_unsigned_int, TypeIs_long, TypeIs_unsigned_long]; SET TypeIs_ArithPromoted = TypeIs_IntegralPromoted + TypeIs_Floating;
Usual arithmetic conversions[60]==If both operands are integral, then integral promotions are performed on them. Then the following rules are applied:This macro is invoked in definition 56.COERCION CDoubletoLongDouble(TypeIs_double): TypeIs_long_double; COERCION CFloattoDouble(TypeIs_float): TypeIs_double; COERCION CUnsignedLongtoFloat(TypeIs_unsigned_long): TypeIs_float; Integer conversions[61]
Integer conversions[61]==It may be necessary to alter the definition of CUnsignedInttoLong based upon the target machine if this module is to be used in a translator: If a TypeIs_long object cannot represent all values of type TypeIs_unsigned_int the result type must be TypeIs_unsigned_long.This macro is invoked in definition 60.COERCION CLongtoUnsignedLong(TypeIs_long): TypeIs_unsigned_long; COERCION CUnsignedInttoLong(TypeIs_unsigned_int): TypeIs_long; COERCION CInttoLong(TypeIs_int): TypeIs_long; COERCION CInttoUnsignedInt(TypeIs_int): TypeIs_unsigned_int;
Array conversion[62]==Except when it is the operand of the sizeof operator or the unary & operator, a function designator with type ``function returning type'' is converted to an expression that has type ``pointer to function returning type''.This macro is invoked in definition 35.COERCION CArraytoPtr (TypeIs_Array): pointerType;
Function conversion operator[63]==This macro is invoked in definition 9.CFunctoPtr;
void[64]==This macro is invoked in definition 56.COERCION CScalartoVoid(TypeIs_Scalar): TypeIs_void;
Discard pointer values[65]==This macro is invoked in definition 39.COERCION CPtrtoVoid(TypeIs_Pointer): TypeIs_void;
Pointer[66]==An integral constant expression with the value 0, or such an expression cast to TypeIs_VoidPointer, is called a null pointer constant. If a null pointer constant is assigned to or compared for equality to a pointer, the constant is converted to a pointer of that type. Such a pointer, called a null pointer, is guaranteed to compare unequal to a pointer to any object or function. A null pointer constant has TypeIs_NULL.This macro is invoked in definition 39.COERCION CVoidPtr(TypeIs_Pointer): TypeIs_VoidPointer;
Conversions for null pointer constants[67]==(The implicit conversion CNulltoIntegral is required to allow an integral constant expression with the value 0 to be interpreted as an integral value rather than a null pointer.)This macro is invoked in definition 56.COERCION CNulltoVoidPtr(TypeIs_NULL): TypeIs_VoidPointer; COERCION CNulltoIntegral(TypeIs_NULL): TypeIs_Integral;
Null constant for this pointer type[68]==This macro is invoked in definition 39.COERCION CNulltoPtr(TypeIs_NULL): TypeIs_Pointer;
Precedence and association are only interesting because they relate the structure of the program tree to the linear representation of the text. Once the tree has been built, the operands of an operator are reflected in the tree structure and there is no longer any need to distinguish different kinds of expression. Thus we define an equivalence class consisting of all of the symbols used by the standard to name expressions:
Expressions[69]==Any symbol in this equivalence class will be represented in the tree by a node with the name Expression, which is a new symbol not appearing anywhere in the grammar.This macro is invoked in definition 3.Expression ::= primary_expression postfix_expression unary_expression cast_expression multiplicative_expression additive_expression shift_expression relational_expression equality_expression AND_expression exclusive_OR_expression inclusive_OR_expression logical_AND_expression logical_OR_expression conditional_expression assignment_expression constant_expression expression expression_opt .
StringSeq replaces the symbol string_literal appearing in the standard's definition of a primary_expression. As discussed in Section 1.1.4 above, StringSeq embodies the semantic condition that a sequence of string literals is considered to be a single string literal in C.
Primary expressions[70]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.primary_expression: IdUse / constant / StringSeq / '(' expression ')' . IdUse: UnboundIdUse / OrdinaryIdUse .
Postfix operators[71]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.postfix_expression: primary_expression / postfix_expression '[' expression ']' / postfix_expression '(' argument_exp_list ')' / postfix_expression '(' ')' / postfix_expression '.' identifier / postfix_expression '->' identifier / postfix_expression '++' / postfix_expression '--' . argument_exp_list: assignment_expression / argument_exp_list ',' assignment_expression.
Array subscripting[72]==Distinct subscripting operations are defined for each array type and each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer. The second operand is specified to be a TypeIs_unsigned_long, although the standard specifies that it has integral type. Any integral type can be converted to TypeIs_unsigned_long by means of implicit conversions, so this specification is equivalent to that of the standard. The main reason for using TypeIs_unsigned_long is that OIL does not permit sets as operand specifications within a class definition, but a secondary reason is that this approach reduces the total number of operators in the compiler's database.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Subscript_Indication: Subscript_Op, Array_Subscript_Op;
Operators defined for this array type[73]==This macro is defined in definitions 73 and 118.OPER Array_Subscript_Op(TypeIs_Array, TypeIs_unsigned_long): elementType;
This macro is invoked in definition 35.
Operators defined for this pointer type[74]==This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Subscript_Op(TypeIs_Pointer, TypeIs_unsigned_long): referencedType;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Function calls[75]==A distinct call operator is defined for each function type.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Call_Indication: FunCall_Op;
Operators defined for this function type[76]==This macro is invoked in definition 38.OPER FunCall_Op(TypeIs_Function): returnType;
Postfix increment and decrement operators[77]==Distinct increment and decrement operators are defined for each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Increment_Indication: Increment_Op, Ptr_Inc_Op; INDICATION Decrement_Indication: Decrement_Op, Ptr_Dec_Op; OPER Increment_Op, Decrement_Op(TypeIs_Arithmetic): TypeIs_Arithmetic;
Operators defined for this pointer type[78]==This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Ptr_Inc_Op, Ptr_Dec_Op(TypeIs_Pointer): TypeIs_Pointer;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Unary operators[79]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.unary_expression: postfix_expression / '++' unary_expression / '--' unary_expression / unary_operator cast_expression / 'sizeof' unary_expression / 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')'. unary_operator: '&' / '*' / '+' / '-' / '~' / '!'.
Address and indirection operators[80]==A distinct indirection operator is defined for each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Dereference_Indication: Ptr_Deref_Op; INDICATION Reference_Indication: Ptr_Ref_Op;
Operators defined for this pointer type[81]==This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Ptr_Deref_Op(TypeIs_Pointer): referencedType; OPER Ptr_Ref_Op(referencedType): TypeIs_Pointer;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Unary arithmetic operators[82]==A distinct logical negation operator is defined for each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Plus_Indication: Plus_Op; INDICATION Minus_Indication: Minus_Op; INDICATION Bitwise_Not_Indication: Bitwise_Not_Op; INDICATION Not_Indication: Not_Op, Void_Ptr_Not_Op, Ptr_Not_Op; OPER Plus_Op, Minus_Op(TypeIs_ArithPromoted): TypeIs_ArithPromoted; OPER Bitwise_Not_Op(TypeIs_IntegralPromoted): TypeIs_IntegralPromoted; OPER Not_Op(TypeIs_Scalar): TypeIs_int; OPER Void_Ptr_Not_Op (TypeIs_VoidPointer): TypeIs_int;
Operators defined for this pointer type[83]==This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Ptr_Not_Op (TypeIs_Pointer): TypeIs_int;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Cast operators[84]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.cast_expression: unary_expression / '(' type_name ')' cast_expression.
Cast operator semantics[85]==By defining TypeIs_CastResult as being equal to TypeIs_Scalar and then using these two set identifiers in defining Cast_Op, the specification defines a cast from every element of TypeIs_Scalar to every other element of TypeIs_Scalar. If Cast_Op were defined with the signature (TypeIs_Scalar): TypeIs_Scalar then the operand and result would be constrained to be identical.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Cast_Indication: Cast_Op, Cast_IntegraltoPtr, Cast_VoidPtrtoPtr; SET TypeIs_CastResult = TypeIs_Scalar; OPER Cast_Op(TypeIs_Scalar): TypeIs_CastResult;
The definition of Cast_Op allows any pointer type to be cast to any integral type: There is an implicit conversion from any pointer type to TypeIs_VoidPointer, which is an element of TypeIs_Scalar, and every integral type is an element of TypeIs_CastResult.
Distinct cast operators are defined for each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer to handle casts from arbitrary integers and from TypeIs_VoidPointer to that pointer type. The operand of the former is specified to be a TypeIs_unsigned_long, although the standard specifies that it has integral type. Any integral type can be converted to TypeIs_unsigned_long by means of implicit conversions, so this specification is equivalent to that of the standard. The main reason for using TypeIs_unsigned_long is that OIL does not permit sets as operand specifications within a class definition, but a secondary reason is that this approach reduces the total number of operators in the compiler's database.
Operators defined for this pointer type[86]==The implicit conversion from any pointer type to TypeIs_VoidPointer, combined with Cast_VoidPtrtoPtr, allows any pointer type to be cast to any other pointer type. (This includes pointers to function types.)This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Cast_IntegraltoPtr(TypeIs_unsigned_long): TypeIs_Pointer; OPER Cast_VoidPtrtoPtr(TypeIs_VoidPointer): TypeIs_Pointer;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Multiplicative operators[87]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.multiplicative_expression: cast_expression / multiplicative_expression '*' cast_expression / multiplicative_expression '/' cast_expression / multiplicative_expression '%' cast_expression .
Multiplicative operator semantics[88]==This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Multiplication_Indication: MulOp; INDICATION Division_Indication: DivOp; INDICATION Mod_Indication: ModOp; OPER MulOp, DivOp(TypeIs_Arithmetic, TypeIs_Arithmetic): TypeIs_Arithmetic; OPER ModOp(TypeIs_Integral, TypeIs_Integral): TypeIs_Integral;
Additive operators[89]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.additive_expression: multiplicative_expression / additive_expression '+' multiplicative_expression / additive_expression '-' multiplicative_expression .
Additive operator semantics[90]==Distinct additive operators are defined for each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Addition_Indication: AddOp, Void_Ptr_Add_Op, Void_Ptr_Rev_Add_Op, Ptr_Add_Op, Ptr_Rev_Add_Op; INDICATION Subtraction_Indication: SubOp, Void_Ptr_Sub_Op, Ptr_Sub_Op, Ptr_Ptr_Sub_Op; OPER AddOp, SubOp(TypeIs_Arithmetic, TypeIs_Arithmetic): TypeIs_Arithmetic; OPER Void_Ptr_Add_Op, Void_Ptr_Sub_Op(TypeIs_VoidPointer, TypeIs_unsigned_long): TypeIs_VoidPointer; OPER Void_Ptr_Rev_Add_Op(TypeIs_unsigned_long, TypeIs_VoidPointer): TypeIs_VoidPointer;
Operators defined for this pointer type[91]==The integral operand of an additive operator involving a pointer and an integer is specified to be a TypeIs_unsigned_long. Any integral type can be converted to TypeIs_unsigned_long by means of implicit conversions, so this specification is equivalent to that of the standard. The main reason for using TypeIs_unsigned_long is that OIL does not permit sets as operand specifications within a class definition, but a secondary reason is that this approach reduces the total number of operators in the compiler's database.This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Ptr_Add_Op, Ptr_Sub_Op(TypeIs_Pointer, TypeIs_unsigned_long): TypeIs_Pointer; OPER Ptr_Rev_Add_Op, Ptr_Rev_Sub_Op(TypeIs_unsigned_long, TypeIs_Pointer): TypeIs_Pointer; OPER Ptr_Ptr_Sub_Op(TypeIs_Pointer, TypeIs_Pointer): TypeIs_unsigned_long;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Bitwise shift operators[92]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.shift_expression: additive_expression / shift_expression '<<' additive_expression / shift_expression '>>' additive_expression .
Bitwise shift operator semantics[93]==By defining TypeIs_ShiftCount as being equal to TypeIs_IntegralPromoted and then using these two set identifiers in defining the bitwise shift operators, the specification allows different types of operands for the shift count and the value being shifted. The type of the result is that of the promoted left operand.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Bit_Shift_Left_Indication: Bit_Shift_Left_Op; INDICATION Bit_Shift_Right_Indication: Bit_Shift_Right_Op; SET TypeIs_ShiftCount = TypeIs_IntegralPromoted; OPER Bit_Shift_Right_Op, Bit_Shift_Left_Op (TypeIs_IntegralPromoted, TypeIs_ShiftCount): TypeIs_IntegralPromoted;
Relational operators[94]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.relational_expression: shift_expression / relational_expression '<' shift_expression / relational_expression '>' shift_expression / relational_expression '<=' shift_expression / relational_expression '>=' shift_expression .
Relational operator semantics[95]==Distinct relational operators are defined for each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION LessThan_Indication: LessThan_Op, Ptr_LT_Op; INDICATION Greater_Indication: Greater_Op, Ptr_GT_Op; INDICATION LessThan_Equal_Indication: LessThan_Equal_Op, Ptr_LTE_Op; INDICATION Greater_Equal_Indication: Greater_Equal_Op, Ptr_GTE_Op; OPER Greater_Op, LessThan_Op, Greater_Equal_Op, LessThan_Equal_Op (TypeIs_Scalar, TypeIs_Scalar): TypeIs_int;
Operators defined for this pointer type[96]==This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Ptr_LT_Op, Ptr_GT_Op, Ptr_LTE_Op, Ptr_GTE_Op (TypeIs_Pointer, TypeIs_Pointer): TypeIs_int;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Equality operators[97]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.equality_expression: relational_expression / equality_expression '==' relational_expression / equality_expression '!=' relational_expression .
Equality operator semantics[98]==Distinct equality operators are defined for each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Equality_Indication: Equality_Op, Ptr_Eq_Op; INDICATION Not_Equal_Indication: Not_Equal_Op, Ptr_NEq_Op; OPER Equality_Op, Not_Equal_Op(TypeIs_Scalar, TypeIs_Scalar): TypeIs_int;
Operators defined for this pointer type[99]==This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Ptr_Eq_Op, Ptr_NEq_Op(TypeIs_Pointer, TypeIs_Pointer): TypeIs_int;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Bitwise AND operator[100]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.AND_expression: equality_expression / AND_expression '&' equality_expression.
Bitwise AND operator semantics[101]==This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Bitwise_And_Indication: Bitwise_And_Op; OPER Bitwise_And_Op(TypeIs_Integral, TypeIs_Integral): TypeIs_Integral;
Bitwise exclusive OR operator[102]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.exclusive_OR_expression: AND_expression / exclusive_OR_expression '^' AND_expression.
Bitwise exclusive OR operator semantics[103]==This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Bitwise_XOr_Indication: Bitwise_XOr_Op; OPER Bitwise_XOr_Op(TypeIs_Integral, TypeIs_Integral): TypeIs_Integral;
Bitwise inclusive OR operator[104]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.inclusive_OR_expression: exclusive_OR_expression / inclusive_OR_expression '|' exclusive_OR_expression.
Bitwise inclusive OR operator semantics[105]==This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Bitwise_Or_Indication: Bitwise_Or_Op; OPER Bitwise_Or_Op(TypeIs_Integral, TypeIs_Integral): TypeIs_Integral;
Logical AND operator[106]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.logical_AND_expression: inclusive_OR_expression / logical_AND_expression '&&' inclusive_OR_expression.
Logical AND operator semantics[107]==Distinct logical AND operators are defined for each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION And_Indication: And_Op, Ptr_And_Op; OPER And_Op(TypeIs_Scalar, TypeIs_Scalar): TypeIs_int;
Operators defined for this pointer type[108]==This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Ptr_And_Op(TypeIs_Pointer, TypeIs_Pointer): TypeIs_int;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Logical OR operator[109]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.logical_OR_expression: logical_AND_expression / logical_OR_expression '||' logical_AND_expression.
Logical OR operator semantics[110]==Distinct logical OR operators are defined for each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Or_Indication: Or_Op, Ptr_Or_Op; OPER Or_Op(TypeIs_Scalar, TypeIs_Scalar): TypeIs_int;
Operators defined for this pointer type[111]==This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Ptr_Or_Op(TypeIs_Pointer, TypeIs_Pointer): TypeIs_int;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Conditional operator[112]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.conditional_expression: logical_OR_expression / logical_OR_expression '?' expression ':' conditional_expression .
Conditional operator semantics[113]==Distinct conditional operators are defined for each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Conditional_Indication: Conditional_Op, Ptr_Conditional_Op; OPER Conditional_Op(TypeIs_Scalar): TypeIs_int;
Operators defined for this pointer type[114]==This specification constrains only the first operand of the conditional. Temporarily, the specification will simply balance the second and third operands of the conditional to obtain the result type.This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Ptr_Conditional_Op(TypeIs_Pointer): TypeIs_int;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Assignment operators[115]==An assignment operator is identified during semantic analysis in the same way as any other dyadic operator. It is therefore convenient to map the symbol assignment_operator to binary_operator in the tree:This macro is invoked in definition 2.assignment_expression: conditional_expression / unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression . assignment_operator: '=' / '*=' / '/=' / '%=' / '+=' / '-=' / '<<=' / '>>=' / '&=' / '^=' / '|='.
Map the assignment operator symbol[116]==This macro is invoked in definition 3.binary_operator ::= assignment_operator .
Simple assignment[117]==By defining TypeIs_RHS_Scalar as being equal to TypeIs_Scalar and then using these two set identifiers in defining Assign_Op, the specification allows different types of operands for the left and right operands. The type of the result is that of the left operand.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Assign_Indication: Assign_Op, Ptr_Assign_Op, Enum_Assign_Op, Struct_Assign_Op, Union_Assign_Op, Ptr_Void_Assign_Op, Array_Assign_Op; SET TypeIs_RHS_Arithmetic = TypeIs_Arithmetic; OPER Assign_Op(TypeIs_Arithmetic, TypeIs_RHS_Arithmetic): TypeIs_Arithmetic;
Distinct simple assignments are defined for each array type.
Operators defined for this array type[118]==Distinct simple assignments are defined for each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer.This macro is defined in definitions 73 and 118.OPER Array_Assign_Op(TypeIs_Array, pointerType): TypeIs_Array;
This macro is invoked in definition 35.
Operators defined for this pointer type[119]==This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Ptr_Assign_Op(TypeIs_Pointer, TypeIs_Pointer): TypeIs_Pointer; OPER Ptr_Void_Assign_Op(TypeIs_Pointer, TypeIs_VoidPointer): TypeIs_Pointer;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Operator defined for this struct type[120]==This macro is invoked in definition 36.OPER Struct_Assign_Op(TypeIs_Struct, TypeIs_Struct): TypeIs_Struct;
Operator defined for this union type[121]==This macro is invoked in definition 37.OPER Union_Assign_Op(TypeIs_Union, TypeIs_Union): TypeIs_Union;
Operator defined for this enumeration type[122]==This macro is invoked in definition 34.OPER Enum_Assign_Op(TypeIs_Enum, TypeIs_int): TypeIs_Enum;
Compound assignment[123]==Distinct compound assignments are defined for each pointer type other than TypeIs_VoidPointer. The integral operand of a compound assignment involving a pointer and an integer is specified to be a TypeIs_unsigned_long. Any integral type can be converted to TypeIs_unsigned_long by means of implicit conversions, so this specification is equivalent to that of the standard. The main reason for using TypeIs_unsigned_long is that OIL does not permit sets as operand specifications within a class definition, but a secondary reason is that this approach reduces the total number of operators in the compiler's database.This macro is invoked in definition 5.INDICATION Mult_Eq_Indication: Mult_Eq_Op; INDICATION Div_Eq_Indication: Div_Eq_Op; INDICATION Mod_Eq_Indication: Mod_Eq_Op; INDICATION Plus_Eq_Indication: Plus_Eq_Op, Ptr_Plus_Eq_Op; INDICATION Minus_Eq_Indication: Minus_Eq_Op, Ptr_Minus_Eq_Op; INDICATION Bitwise_Shift_Left_Eq_Indication: Bitwise_Shift_Left_Eq_Op; INDICATION Bitwise_Shift_Right_Eq_Indication: Bitwise_Shift_Right_Eq_Op; INDICATION Bitwise_And_Eq_Indication: Bitwise_And_Eq_Op; INDICATION Bitwise_XOr_Eq_Indication: Bitwise_XOr_Eq_Op; INDICATION Bitwise_Or_Eq_Indication: Bitwise_Or_Eq_Op; SET TypeIs_RHS_Integral = TypeIs_Integral; OPER Mult_Eq_Op, Div_Eq_Op, Plus_Eq_Op, Minus_Eq_Op ( TypeIs_Arithmetic, TypeIs_RHS_Arithmetic ) : TypeIs_Arithmetic; OPER Mod_Eq_Op, Bitwise_Shift_Left_Eq_Op, Bitwise_Shift_Right_Eq_Op, Bitwise_And_Eq_Op, Bitwise_XOr_Eq_Op, Bitwise_Or_Eq_Op ( TypeIs_Integral, TypeIs_RHS_Integral ) : TypeIs_Integral;
Operators defined for this pointer type[124]==This macro is defined in definitions 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 96, 99, 108, 111, 114, 119, and 124.OPER Ptr_Plus_Eq_Op(TypeIs_Pointer, TypeIs_unsigned_long): TypeIs_Pointer; OPER Ptr_Minus_Eq_Op(TypeIs_Pointer, TypeIs_unsigned_long): TypeIs_Pointer;
This macro is invoked in definition 39.
Comma operator[125]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.expression: assignment_expression / expression ',' assignment_expression .
Constant Expressions[126]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.constant_expression: conditional_expression .
Declarations[127]==If an identifier has no linkage, there shall be no more than one declaration of the identifier (in a declarator or type specifier) with the same scope and the same name space, except for tags as specified in An instance of the Eli Unique module can be used to detect multiply defined identifiers.This macro is invoked in definition 2.declaration: declaration_specifiers init_declarator_list_opt ';' End of a declaration[216] . declaration_specifiers: [136] init_declarator_list: init_declarator / init_declarator_list ',' init_declarator . init_declarator: declarator / declarator '=' initializer . Storage-class specifiers[132] Type specifiers[134] Type qualifiers[151] Declarators[153] Type names[165] Initialization[169]
Name analysis module for ordinary identifiers[128]==This macro is invoked in definition 10.$/Prop/Unique.gnrc :inst
Semantics of declarations[129]==A declaration specifies the interpretation and attributes of a set of identifiers.This macro is defined in definitions 129, 130, and 131.SYMBOL file INHERITS RangeUnique END; RULE: declaration_specifiers LISTOF declaration_specifier END; RULE: init_declarator_list LISTOF init_declarator END;
This macro is invoked in definition 4.
declaration_specifiers consists of a sequence of specifiers that indicate the linkage, storage duration, and part of the type of the entities that the declarators denote. The type that they name is embodied in the TypeSpecified attribute of the declaration_specifiers symbol. Information gleaned from the declaration specifiers about the storage class and type qualifier is embodied in six integer attributes that have the value 1 if the corresponding specifier or qualifier was present and 0 otherwise:
Semantics of declarations[130]==The init_declarator_list_opt is a comma-separated sequence of declarators, each of which may have additional type information, or an initializer, or both. The declarators contain the identifiers (if any) being declared.This macro is defined in definitions 129, 130, and 131.SYMBOL declaration_specifiers: TypeSpecified: DefTableKey; ATTR IsTypedef, IsExtern, IsStatic, IsRegister, IsConst, IsVolatile: int;
This macro is invoked in definition 4.
Semantics of declarations[131]==The TypeSpecified attribute embodies the type information indicated by the specifiers, and TypeChain carries that information to each declarator in the list. Additional type information provided by a declarator modifies the value of TypeChain, so each init_declarator in the list must reset the value for its successors.This macro is defined in definitions 129, 130, and 131.SYMBOL declaration_specifiers: TypeSpecified: DefTableKey; CHAIN TypeChain: DefTableKey; RULE: declaration ::= declaration_specifiers init_declarator_list_opt ';' COMPUTE CHAINSTART init_declarator_list_opt.TypeChain= declaration_specifiers.TypeSpecified; init_declarator_list_opt.IsTypedef=declaration_specifiers.IsTypedef; END; SYMBOL init_declarator COMPUTE THIS.TypeChain=THIS.TypeChain DEPENDS_ON TAIL.TypeChain; END; RULE: init_declarator ::= declarator '=' initializer COMPUTE IF(INCLUDING init_declarator_list_opt.IsTypedef, message(ERROR,"Cannot assign values to types", 0, COORDREF)); END;
This macro is invoked in definition 4.
Storage-class specifiers[132]==This macro is invoked in definition 127.storage_class_specifier: 'typedef' A typedef storage class specifier has been accepted[217] / 'extern' / 'static' / 'auto' / 'register' .
Declaration_specifier equivalence class[133]==This macro is defined in definitions 133, 135, and 152.declaration_specifier ::= storage_class_specifier .
This macro is invoked in definition 3.
The type_specifiers that must appear singly are therefore classified as type_specifier_1s, and those that may appear in groups as type_specifier_2s.
Type specifiers[134]==This macro is invoked in definition 127.type_specifier_1: 'void' / 'float' / struct_or_union_specifier / enum_specifier / typedef_name . type_specifier_2: 'char' / 'short' / 'int' / 'long' / 'double' / 'signed' / 'unsigned' . Structure and union specifiers[138] Enumeration specifiers[142]
Declaration_specifier equivalence class[135]==The phrase declaration_specifiers is then defined to enforce the constraint syntactically. All lists must be left-recursive here in order to detect the error at the proper symbol:This macro is defined in definitions 133, 135, and 152.declaration_specifier ::= type_specifier_1 type_specifier_2 .
This macro is invoked in definition 3.
declaration_specifiers: [136]==This macro is invoked in definition 127.declaration_specifiers: ds0 / ds1 / ds2. ds0: /* List without type specifiers */ storage_class_specifier / ds0 storage_class_specifier / type_qualifier / ds0 type_qualifier . ds1: /* List with a single type_specifier_1 */ type_specifier_1 / ds0 type_specifier_1 / ds1 storage_class_specifier / ds1 type_qualifier . ds2: /* List with one or more type_specifier_2's */ type_specifier_2 / ds0 type_specifier_2 / ds2 type_specifier_2 / ds2 storage_class_specifier / ds2 type_qualifier .
specifier_qualifier_list: [137]==This macro is invoked in definition 138.specifier_qualifier_list: sq0 / sq1 / sq2 . sq0: /* List without type specifiers */ type_qualifier / sq0 type_qualifier . sq1: /* List with a single type_specifier_1 */ type_specifier_1 / sq0 type_specifier_1 / sq1 type_qualifier . sq2: /* List with one or more type_specifier_2's */ type_specifier_2 / sq0 type_specifier_2 / sq2 type_specifier_2 / sq2 type_qualifier .
Structure and union specifiers[138]==A member_declarator must be distinguished from a declarator during parsing because the identifiers they declare belong to different name spaces, and those name spaces are treated differently as the program is parsed. A member_declarator_opt is semantically equivalent to a member_declarator:This macro is invoked in definition 134.struct_or_union_specifier: struct_or_union identifier component_list / struct_or_union component_list / struct_or_union identifier $';' . component_list: [29] struct_or_union: 'struct' / 'union' . struct_declaration_list: struct_declaration / struct_declaration_list struct_declaration. struct_declaration: specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';'. specifier_qualifier_list: [137] struct_declarator_list: struct_declarator / struct_declarator_list ',' struct_declarator. struct_declarator: member_declarator / member_declarator_opt ':' constant_expression . Member declarators[160]
Member_declarator equivalence class[139]==A component_list defines the name space in which the members are defined. An instance of the Eli Unique module can be used to detect multiply defined members.This macro is invoked in definition 3.member_declarator ::= member_declarator_opt .
Name analysis modules for member identifiers[140]==The single name space is associated with the file phrase, and a separate environment is associated with each component_list phrase.This macro is invoked in definition 10.$/Prop/Unique.gnrc +instance=Member +referto=Member :inst $/Name/CScopeProp.gnrc +instance=Member +referto=Member :inst
Semantics of structure and union specifiers[141]==A MemberIdUse appears only as the right operand of a selection operator. The name space in which that member identifier was defined is the name space associated with the structure or union that is the left operand of that selection operator. Thus it is not possible to obtain a definition table key value at a MemberIdUse node until the analysis of expression types is complete.This macro is invoked in definition 4.SYMBOL file INHERITS MemberRootScope, MemberRangeUnique END; SYMBOL component_list INHERITS MemberRangeScope, MemberRangeScopeProp END; RULE: struct_declaration ::= declaration_specifiers struct_declarator_list ';' COMPUTE CHAINSTART struct_declarator_list.TypeChain= declaration_specifiers.TypeSpecified; END; SYMBOL struct_declarator_list COMPUTE THIS.TypeChain=THIS.TypeChain DEPENDS_ON TAIL.TypeChain; END; /* NOREPORTS SYMBOL struct_declarator COMPUTE THIS.TypeChain=THIS.TypeChain DEPENDS_ON TAIL.TypeChain; END; */ SYMBOL MemberIdDef INHERITS MemberIdDefScope, MemberUnique COMPUTE IF(NOT(THIS.MemberUnique), message(ERROR, "member identifier is multiply defined", 0, COORDREF)); END; SYMBOL MemberIdUse: Sym: int, MemberScope: Environment, MemberKey: DefTableKey; SYMBOL MemberIdUse COMPUTE SYNT.MemberKey=KeyInScope(THIS.MemberScope,THIS.Sym); IF(EQ(THIS.MemberScope,NoEnv),message(NOTE,"No environment",0,COORDREF)); IF(EQ(THIS.MemberKey, NoKey), message(ERROR, "Not a member of this structure or union", 0, COORDREF)); END;
Enumeration specifiers[142]==The identifiers in an enumerator list are declared as constants that have type int and may appear wherever such are permitted. Thus, the identifiers of enumeration constants declared in the same scope shall all be distinct from each other and from other identifiers declared in ordinary declarators.This macro is invoked in definition 134.enum_specifier: 'enum' identifier Begin a list of enumeration constants[218] '{' enumerator_list End a list of enumeration constants[219] '}' / 'enum' Begin a list of enumeration constants[218] '{' enumerator_list End a list of enumeration constants[219] '}' / 'enum' identifier . enumerator_list: enumerator[25] / enumerator_list ',' enumerator[25] . enumerator: enumeration_constant / enumeration_constant '=' constant_expression.
Semantics of enumeration specifiers[143]==This macro is invoked in definition 4.SYMBOL enumeration_constant INHERITS Unique COMPUTE ResetType(THIS.Key, TypeIs_int); IF(NOT(THIS.Unique), message(ERROR, "identifier is multiply defined", 0, COORDREF)); END;
Tags[144]==If this declaration of the tag is visible, a subsequent declaration that uses the tag and that omits the bracketed list specifies the declared structure, union or enumerated type. Subsequent declarations in the same scope shall omit the bracketed list.This macro is invoked in definition 4.SYMBOL TagDef: HasCurly: int; RULE: struct_or_union_specifier ::= struct_or_union TagDef component_list COMPUTE TagDef.HasCurly=1; struct_or_union_specifier.Type= KeyForStructOrUnion(TagDef.TagKey,struct_or_union.IsStruct) DEPENDS_ON struct_or_union_specifier._C_GotTypes; component_list.MemberScopeKey=struct_or_union_specifier.Type; component_list._C_GotTypes=struct_or_union_specifier.Type; END; RULE: enum_specifier ::= 'enum' TagDef '{' enumerator_list '}' COMPUTE TagDef.HasCurly=1; enum_specifier.Type= KeyForEnum(TagDef.TagKey) DEPENDS_ON enum_specifier.Specification; END;
Check for multiply-declared tags[145]==This macro is invoked in definition 4.SYMBOL TagDef COMPUTE INH.HasCurly=0; THIS._C_TagGotKeys= IF(THIS.HasCurly,SetMultipleTag(THIS.TagKey,0,1)) DEPENDS_ON THIS._C_TagGotKeys; IF(AND(THIS.HasCurly,GetMultipleTag(THIS.TagKey,0)), message(ERROR,"Multiply-defined tag",0,COORDREF)) DEPENDS_ON INCLUDING file.TagGotKeys; END;
Property characterizing multiply-declared tags[146]==If a type specifier of the following form occurs prior to the declaration that defines the content, it declares a tag:This macro is invoked in definition 9.MultipleTag: int;
Tag that may or may not be a declaration[147]==A similar construction with enum does not exist and is not necessary as there can be no mutual dependencies between the declaration of an enumerated type and any other type.This macro is invoked in definition 4.RULE: struct_or_union_specifier ::= struct_or_union identifier COMPUTE .VisibleKey= KeyInEnv(INCLUDING TagAnyScope.TagEnv,identifier) DEPENDS_ON struct_or_union_specifier._C_TagGotKeys; .FinalKey= IF(NE(.VisibleKey,NoKey), .VisibleKey, DefineIdn(INCLUDING TagAnyScope.TagEnv,identifier)); struct_or_union_specifier._C_TagGotKeys=.FinalKey; struct_or_union_specifier.Type= KeyForStructOrUnion(.FinalKey,struct_or_union.IsStruct) DEPENDS_ON struct_or_union_specifier._C_GotTypes; struct_or_union_specifier._C_GotTypes=struct_or_union_specifier.Type; END; ATTR VisibleKey, FinalKey: DefTableKey;
Use of an enumerated type tag[148]==A declaration of the following form specifies a structure or union type and declares a tag, both of which are visible only within the scope in which the declaration occurs:This macro is invoked in definition 4.RULE: enum_specifier ::= 'enum' TagUse COMPUTE enum_specifier.Type= GetType(TagUse.TagKey, NoKey) DEPENDS_ON enum_specifier.Specification; END; SYMBOL TagUse COMPUTE IF(EQ(THIS.TagKey, NoKey), message(ERROR, "Identifier is not defined", 0, COORDREF)); END;
Forward definition of a tag[149]==A type specifier of the following form specifies a new structure, union or enumerated type, within the translation unit, that can only be referred to by the declaration of which it is a part.This macro is invoked in definition 4.RULE: declaration ::= struct_or_union TagDef ';' COMPUTE declaration._C_GotTypes= KeyForStructOrUnion(TagDef.TagKey,struct_or_union.IsStruct) DEPENDS_ON declaration._C_GotTypes; END;
Anonymous structure, union or enumerated type[150]==This macro is invoked in definition 4.RULE: struct_or_union_specifier ::= struct_or_union component_list COMPUTE struct_or_union_specifier.Type= KeyForStructOrUnion(NoKey,struct_or_union.IsStruct) DEPENDS_ON struct_or_union_specifier._C_GotTypes; component_list.MemberScopeKey=struct_or_union_specifier.Type; component_list._C_GotTypes=struct_or_union_specifier.Type; END; RULE: enum_specifier ::= 'enum' '{' enumerator_list '}' COMPUTE enum_specifier.Type= KeyForEnum(NoKey) DEPENDS_ON enum_specifier.Specification; END;
Type qualifiers[151]==This macro is invoked in definition 127.type_qualifier: 'const' / 'volatile'.
Declaration_specifier equivalence class[152]==This macro is defined in definitions 133, 135, and 152.declaration_specifier ::= type_qualifier .
This macro is invoked in definition 3.
Declarators[153]==The standard uses an optional pointer. This option must be made explicit here in order to avoid an LALR(1) conflict.This macro is defined in definitions 153, 155, 156, and 158.declarator: pointer Innermost declarator[26] Pointer declarator[197] / Innermost declarator[26] / pointer shielded Pointer declarator[197] / shielded .
This macro is invoked in definition 127.
An ordinary identifier must be bound at the end of its declarator. If a declarator has another declarator as a component, then the identifier will be bound at the end of the component declarator and no binding should take place at the end of the outer declarator. A new nonterminal, shielded, is used to distinguish these cases so that the the parser can take the proper action. This distinction is only relevant during parsing; semantically, shielded is completely equivalent to direct_declarator:
Direct_declarator equivalence class[154]==OrdinaryIdDef is a defining occurrence of an ordinary identifier. The kind of identifier being defined depends upon the context in which the declarator appears.This macro is invoked in definition 3.direct_declarator ::= shielded .
Declarators[155]==The symbol parameter_part represents a significant semantic concept, the function prototype scope for tags. This phrase is not distinguished in the standard, making the corresponding semantics difficult to express.This macro is defined in definitions 153, 155, 156, and 158.direct_declarator: OrdinaryIdDef Defer binding the declared identifier[222] / direct_declarator Array declarator[196] '[' constant_exp_opt ']' / direct_declarator parameter_part . shielded: '(' declarator ')' / shielded Array declarator[196] '[' constant_exp_opt ']' / shielded parameter_part .
This macro is invoked in definition 127.
Declarators[156]==The symbol parameters is introduced to simplify attachment of parsing actions, but it is semantically equivalent to a parameter_part:This macro is defined in definitions 153, 155, 156, and 158.parameter_part: Prototype begin[186] '(' Begin a parameter list[198] parameters Prototype end[187] ')' . parameters: Begin a parameter_type_list[194] parameter_type_list End a parameter_type_list[195] / identifier_list_opt .
This macro is invoked in definition 127.
Parameter_part equivalence class[157]==This macro is invoked in definition 3.parameter_part ::= parameters .
Declarators[158]==This macro is defined in definitions 153, 155, 156, and 158.pointer: '*' type_qualifier_list_opt / '*' type_qualifier_list_opt pointer . type_qualifier_list_opt: type_qualifier* . parameter_type_list: parameter_list / parameter_list ',' '...' . parameter_list: parameter_declaration / parameter_list ',' parameter_declaration. parameter_declaration: declaration_specifiers declarator / declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator_opt . identifier_list: OrdinaryIdDef Bind the identifier immediately[224] / identifier_list ',' OrdinaryIdDef Bind the identifier immediately[224] .
This macro is invoked in definition 127.
Semantics of declarators[159]==There is little difference between the phrase structure of a member_declarator and that of a declarator. The former is defined to preserve the context in which a declarator occurs, so that different actions can be attached in the two cases. A declarator declares an ordinary identifier, which must be consistently renamed during parsing, while a member_declarator declares a member identifier, which requires no action during parsing.This macro is invoked in definition 4.RULE: direct_declarator ::= IdDef COMPUTE direct_declarator._C_GotTypes= ORDER( ResetType(IdDef.Key, direct_declarator.TypeChain), IF(NE(GetSynCode(IdDef.Key,UnboundIdUse),typedef_name), Can be the operand of &[162] (`direct_declarator.TypeChain')), direct_declarator._C_GotTypes); END; RULE: member_direct_declarator ::= MemberIdDef COMPUTE member_direct_declarator._C_GotTypes= ORDER( Can be the operand of &[162] (`member_direct_declarator.TypeChain'), ResetType(MemberIdDef.MemberKey,member_direct_declarator.TypeChain), member_direct_declarator._C_GotTypes); END; SYMBOL parameter_id COMPUTE THIS.TypeChain=ORDER(ResetType(THIS.Key, TypeIs_int),THIS.TypeChain); END; RULE: parameter_declaration ::= declaration_specifiers declarator COMPUTE CHAINSTART declarator.TypeChain= declaration_specifiers.TypeSpecified; END; RULE: parameter_declaration ::= declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator COMPUTE CHAINSTART abstract_declarator.TypeChain= declaration_specifiers.TypeSpecified; parameter_declaration._C_GotTypes=abstract_declarator.TypeChain; END;
Member declarators[160]==Section of the standard requires that an identifier list in a function declarator that is not part of a function definition be empty. Since a member_declarator cannot be a part of a function definition, there is no need for a non-empty identifier list alternative.This macro is invoked in definition 138.member_declarator: pointer member_direct_declarator / member_direct_declarator . member_direct_declarator: identifier / '(' member_declarator ')' / member_direct_declarator '[' constant_exp_opt ']' / member_direct_declarator parameter_part .
Pointer declarators[161]==The concrete syntax restricts the declaration_specifiers to be either empty or consist solely of type qualifiers. KeyForQualifier accounts for any qualifiers that might be present.This macro is invoked in definition 4.RULE: pointer ::= '*' declaration_specifiers COMPUTE pointer.TypeChain= KeyForQualifier( KeyForPointer(pointer.TypeChain), declaration_specifiers.IsConst, declaration_specifiers.IsVolatile); END; RULE: pointer ::= '*' declaration_specifiers pointer COMPUTE pointer[2].TypeChain= KeyForQualifier( KeyForPointer(pointer[1].TypeChain), declaration_specifiers.IsConst, declaration_specifiers.IsVolatile); END;
Pointer types also have to be guaranteed whenever an object that could be the operand of & is declared. The reason is that ``referencing'' operators are defined for each pointer type, so the type must be instantiated before & can be identified.
Can be the operand of &[162](¶1)==This macro is invoked in definition 159.KeyForPointer(¶1)
Array declarators[163]==This macro is invoked in definition 4.RULE: direct_declarator ::= direct_declarator '[' constant_exp_opt ']' COMPUTE direct_declarator[2].TypeChain=KeyForArray(direct_declarator[1].TypeChain); END; RULE: member_direct_declarator ::= member_direct_declarator '[' constant_exp_opt ']' COMPUTE member_direct_declarator[2].TypeChain= KeyForArray(member_direct_declarator[1].TypeChain); END; RULE: direct_abs_declarator ::= '[' constant_exp_opt ']' COMPUTE direct_abs_declarator.TypeChain=KeyForArray(direct_abs_declarator.TypeChain); END; RULE: direct_abs_declarator ::= direct_abs_declarator '[' constant_exp_opt ']' COMPUTE direct_abs_declarator[2].TypeChain= KeyForArray(direct_abs_declarator[1].TypeChain); END;
Function declarators (including prototypes)[164]==This macro is invoked in definition 4.RULE: direct_declarator ::= direct_declarator parameter_part COMPUTE direct_declarator[2].TypeChain= KeyForFunction(direct_declarator[1].TypeChain); END; RULE: member_direct_declarator ::= member_direct_declarator parameter_part COMPUTE member_direct_declarator[2].TypeChain= KeyForFunction(member_direct_declarator[1].TypeChain); END; RULE: direct_abs_declarator ::= '(' parameter_type_list_opt ')' COMPUTE direct_abs_declarator.TypeChain= KeyForFunction(direct_abs_declarator.TypeChain); END; RULE: direct_abs_declarator ::= direct_abs_declarator '(' parameter_type_list_opt ')' COMPUTE direct_abs_declarator[2].TypeChain= KeyForFunction(direct_abs_declarator[1].TypeChain); END;
Type names[165]==An abstract_declarator_opt is sematically equivalent to an abstract_declarator:This macro is invoked in definition 127.type_name: specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator_opt . abstract_declarator: pointer / pointer direct_abs_declarator / direct_abs_declarator . direct_abs_declarator: '(' abstract_declarator ')' / direct_abs_declarator '[' constant_exp_opt ']' / direct_abs_declarator '(' parameter_type_list_opt ')' / '[' constant_exp_opt ']' / '(' parameter_type_list_opt ')' .
Abstract_declarator equivalence class[166]==This macro is invoked in definition 3.abstract_declarator ::= abstract_declarator_opt . declaration_specifiers ::= type_qualifier_list_opt specifier_qualifier_list .
Semantics of type names[167]==This macro is invoked in definition 4.RULE: type_name ::= declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator COMPUTE CHAINSTART abstract_declarator.TypeChain= declaration_specifiers.TypeSpecified; type_name.Type=abstract_declarator.TypeChain; type_name._C_GotTypes=type_name.Type; END;
Type definitions[168]==Note that there is no lexical distinction between a typedef_name and an identifier. Thus semantic information must be used to differentiate them, and the differentiation must occur during parsing.This macro is invoked in definition 16.typedef_name: $[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*
Initialization[169]==This macro is invoked in definition 127.initializer: assignment_expression / '{' initializer_list '}' / '{' initializer_list ',' '}'. initializer_list: initializer / initializer_list ',' initializer.
Statements[170]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.statement: labeled_statement / Begin a nested compound statement[189] compound_statement / expression_statement / selection_statement / iteration_statement / jump_statement. Labeled statements[171] Compound statements[172] Expression statements[173] Selection statements[174] Iteration statements[175] Jump statements[176]
In the absence of parser information, the lexical analyzer will classify an identifier as an ordinary identifier (one of UnboundIdUse, OrdinaryIdUse or typedef_name depending on the context). Thus the parser must accept any of these classifications as a valid label.
Labeled statements[171]==This macro is invoked in definition 170.labeled_statement: UnboundIdUse ':' statement / OrdinaryIdUse ':' statement / typedef_name ':' statement / 'case' constant_expression ':' statement / 'default' ':' statement.
Compound statements[172]==This macro is invoked in definition 170.compound_statement: '{' declaration_list statement_list_opt End a compound statement[188] '}' / '{' statement_list_opt End a compound statement[188] '}' . declaration_list: declaration / declaration_list declaration . statement_list: statement / statement_list statement .
Expression statements[173]==This macro is invoked in definition 170.expression_statement: expression_opt ';' .
Selection statements[174]==This macro is invoked in definition 170.selection_statement: 'if' '(' expression ')' statement $'else' / 'if' '(' expression ')' statement 'else' statement / 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement.
Iteration statements[175]==This macro is invoked in definition 170.iteration_statement: 'while' '(' expression ')' statement / 'do' statement 'while' '(' expression ')' ';' / 'for' '(' for_init ';' for_test ';' for_incr ')' statement. for_init: / expression . for_test: / expression . for_incr: / expression .
Jump statements[176]==This macro is invoked in definition 170.jump_statement: 'goto' identifier ';' / 'continue' ';' / 'break' ';' / 'return' expression_opt ';' .
External definitions[177]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.translation_unit: external_declaration / translation_unit external_declaration . external_declaration: BeginExtDecl function_definition / BeginExtDecl declaration . BeginExtDecl: Begin an external declaration[191] .
Function definitions[178]==This macro is invoked in definition 2.function_definition: declaration_specifiers declarator Function definition[190] declaration_list_opt compound_statement / declarator Function definition[190] declaration_list_opt compound_statement .
Semantics of function definitions[179]==This macro is invoked in definition 4.RULE: function_definition ::= declaration_specifiers declarator declaration_list_opt compound_statement COMPUTE CHAINSTART declarator.TypeChain=declaration_specifiers.TypeSpecified; END; RULE: function_definition ::= declarator declaration_list_opt compound_statement COMPUTE CHAINSTART declarator.TypeChain=TypeIs_int; END;
If the parser has accepted an OrdinaryIdUse or a typedef_name in the context of a LabelDef, then that identifier must be renamed in the label name space. The original identifier was stored as the Symbol property of the ordinary identifier, so it can be recovered easily:
Semantics of identifiers[180]==Scope rules are embodied in the concept of an environment, which is a set of bindings for identifiers. Environments can be nested, in which case the binding in the innermost environment hides those in outer environments. Eli provides a module that exports an Environment data type with operations to establish bindings, find bindings and create nested sets of bindings. This module is used to support the consistent renaming process.This macro is invoked in definition 4.RULE: LabelDef ::= OrdinaryIdUse COMPUTE LabelDef.Sym = GetSymbol(OrdinaryIdStackArray(OrdinaryIdUse), 0); END; RULE: LabelDef ::= typedef_name COMPUTE LabelDef.Sym = GetSymbol(OrdinaryIdStackArray(typedef_name), 0); END; RULE: LabelDef ::= UnboundIdUse COMPUTE LabelDef.Sym = UnboundIdUse; END; RULE: LabelUse ::= identifier COMPUTE LabelUse.Sym = identifier; END; RULE: TagDef ::= identifier COMPUTE TagDef.Sym=identifier; END; RULE: TagUse ::= identifier COMPUTE TagUse.Sym=identifier; END; RULE: MemberIdDef ::= identifier COMPUTE MemberIdDef.Sym = identifier; END; RULE: MemberIdUse ::= identifier COMPUTE MemberIdUse.Sym = identifier; END; RULE: enumeration_constant ::= OrdinaryIdDef COMPUTE enumeration_constant.Key=OrdinaryIdStackArray(OrdinaryIdDef); END;
Ordinary identifier name space[181]==The environment module provides two operations for creating environments: NewEnv and NewScope. NewEnv should be used once to create the Environment value for the outermost scope of a name space, and NewScope should be used to create Environment values for nested scopes. An Environment value represents a set of bindings, and may be related to another Environment value.This macro is invoked in definition 27.$/Name/envmod.specs
The operations that create bindings (DefineIdn and AddIdn) take an Environment value as a parameter. If no element of the set is a binding for the given identifier, they add a binding to the set; otherwise the set is left unchanged. In either case, the set will contain a binding for the given identifier after the operation is completed. DefineIdn returns the definition table key bound to the identifier, while AddIdn returns an integer value that is 1 if the specified binding was added to the set and 0 otherwise.
The operations that query bindings (KeyInScope and KeyInEnv) also take an Environment value as a parameter. KeyInScope returns the definition table key bound to the identifier in the set, if there is one, and returns the distinguished definition table key NoKey if the set contains no binding for the identifier. KeyInEnv behaves the same way except that if there is no binding in the given set then it examines the related sets as well. NoKey is returned only if there is no binding for the identifier in any related set.
Consistent renaming for ordinary identifiers must be done on the fly as the text is read, in order to allow the lexical analyzer to recognize certain character sequences as typedef_names. Labels, tags and members need not be distinguished lexically, and therefore consistent renaming in these name spaces can be deferred until after the tree is built.
In order to carry out the consistent renaming process as the input text is read, the environment module's operations must be invoked during lexical analysis and parsing. These invocations must be specified as part of the descriptions of the lexical analysis and parsing problems for C, using token processors and connections respectively. (A token processor is an arbitrary C routine that is invoked after a specified character sequence has been recognized. The name of the routine, enclosed in square brackets, is added to the specification of the character sequence. A connection is arbitrary C code that is executed when the parser reduces a specified production. The code, enclosed in apostrophes and preceded by an ampersand, is added to the specification of the production.)
The keys that were assigned to the ordinary identifiers during parsing are not stored as values of the OrdinaryIdDef, OrdinaryIdUse, typedef_name and UnboundIdUse terminals because Eli requires that a parsed terminal have an integer value. Instead, the keys are stored in array OrdinaryIdStackArray and the index of the array element becomes the value of the terminal. An array access is therefore needed to obtain the key:
Access to the key attribute for ordinary identifiers[182]==There are two preconditions for this computation: the OrdinaryIdentifier must have a value, and the element of OrdinaryIdStackArray indexed by that value must contain the appropriate key. According to the scope rules of C, the first of these preconditions can be true and the second false.This macro is invoked in definition 4.ATTR Key: DefTableKey; RULE: IdDef ::= OrdinaryIdDef COMPUTE IdDef.Key = OrdinaryIdStackArray(OrdinaryIdDef); END; RULE: IdUse ::= OrdinaryIdUse COMPUTE IdUse.Key = OrdinaryIdStackArray(OrdinaryIdUse); END; RULE: IdUse ::= UnboundIdUse COMPUTE IdUse.Key = NewKey(); IF(NOT(IdUse.FunctionId), message(ERROR,"Undefined identifier",0,COORDREF)); END; ATTR FunctionId: int; RULE: Expression ::= IdUse COMPUTE IdUse.FunctionId=Expression.FunctionId; END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression '(' argument_exp_list ')' COMPUTE Expression[2].FunctionId=1; END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression '(' ')' COMPUTE Expression[2].FunctionId=1; END; SYMBOL Expression COMPUTE INH.FunctionId=0; END; RULE: identifier_list LISTOF parameter_id END; RULE: parameter_id ::= OrdinaryIdDef COMPUTE parameter_id.Key = OrdinaryIdStackArray(OrdinaryIdDef); END;
Both preconditions are guaranteed to hold at the time the tree construction is complete. Therefore a sufficient condition for correctness of the computation is to delay it until that time:
Do not allow attribution during tree construction[183]==Within the scope of a particular identifier, all occurrences of that identifier have the same meaning. The meaning of an identifier is embodied in a number of properties, which vary depending on the kind of identifier. For example, a variable identifier might have properties like the type of the variable and its memory address; an enumeration constant would have a value.This macro is invoked in definition 13.ORDER: TREE COMPLETE;
Eli provides a central data base called the definition table, in which arbitrary properties can be stored. The properties of a given entity are queried or updated via a definition table key for that entity. Thus it is reasonable to represent an identifier by a definition table key, and store that definition table key in the tree at each occurrence of the identifier. Then it is possible to query or update the properties of the identifier during computations over the tree.
Consistent renaming is the process of associating definition table keys with occurrences of identifiers: The identifier is ``renamed'' by the definition table key, and the process is ``consistent'' because all of the occurrences of an identifier within its scope are associated with the same definition table key.
This section defines the code needed to perform consistent renaming in the ordinary identifier name space of C.
To implement the scope rules for ordinary identifiers, we provide an Environment value for each set of identifiers that have the same scope. At the beginning of the scope of an identifier, the parser will add a binding for that identifier to the current environment. At the common end of the scopes for identifiers bound in the current environment, the Environment value will be discarded.
Identifier scopes are nested, as indicated in Section This means that a stack can be used to store the Environment values. Any operation that creates or queries a binding will use the top element of that stack as its Environment parameter. The easiest way to obtain such a stack is to create an instance of the generic stack module that is specialized to store Environment values:
Create a module to stack Environment values[184]==Because the instance parameter value is Region, the operations exported by this instance of the stack module will be RegionStackPush, RegionStackPop, RegionStackTop, and so forth.This macro is invoked in definition 10.$/Adt/Stack.gnrc +instance=Region +referto=Environment :inst
The remaining subsections of this section explain how the three scopes defined by the standard are implemented in this specification.
Initialize the set of bindings having file scope[185]==There is no need to explicitly discard this value, since parsing ends at the point where the value would be discarded. Thus there will be no references to any Environment value beyond that point.This macro is invoked in definition 6.RegionStackPush(NewEnv());
Now suppose that D has the same form as D1. Then the type of T D would be ``another_type function returning T'', so the type of T D1 would be ``another_type function returning function returning T''. Since a function cannot return a function, this type is illegal. Therefore we must conclude that D cannot have the supposed form.
Section of the standard gives the meaning of a declarator containing an array bounds expression by postulating a declaration T D1 in which D1 has the form D[constant_exp_opt]. If the type of T D would be ``some_type T'' then the type of T D1 is ``some_type array of T''.
Now suppose that D has the form D(parameter_type_list) or D(identifier_list_opt). Then the type of T D would be ``another_type function returning T'', so the type of T D1 would be ``another_type function returning array of T''. Since a function cannot return an array, this type is illegal. Therefore we must conclude that D cannot have the supposed form.
But if a parameter list can be followed by neither another parameter list nor an expression in brackets, then it must be the last element of its declarator according to the grammar. Therefore the end of the parameter list must coincide with the end of the declarator. Finally, if the end of a parameter list coincides with the end of the declarator then a declarator cannot contain more than one parameter list.
These constraints are not imposed by the grammar, but they can easily be checked as the type of an identifier is determined. The checks depend only on the phrase structure and would not be invalidated by any error in consistent renaming. Thus it is safe to consider a function prototype scope to consist only of a single parameter list.
Prototype begin[186]==This macro is invoked in definitions 14 and 156.&'RegionStackPush(NewScope(RegionStackTop));'
Prototype end[187]==This macro is invoked in definitions 14 and 156.&'RegionStackPop;'
End a compound statement[188]==A block that is not part of a function definition gets a new Environment value that represents a scope nested in the surrounding scope:This macro is invoked in definition 172.&'(void)RegionStackPop;'
Begin a nested compound statement[189]==If the block is part of a function definition, then it must use the Environment value that was used for the function prototype scope of the function's parameters. If the program is syntactically incorrect, however, there may be no such Environment value and a new nested scope must be created. Determination of the appropriate Environment value for a function body is a rather complex process, and therefore we embed it in a module:This macro is invoked in definition 170.&'RegionStackPush(NewScope(RegionStackTop));'
Function definition[190]==This macro is invoked in definition 178.&'RegionStackPush(FunctionEnv(RegionStackTop));'
A function_definition is an external_declaration. Therefore the left context of interest does not extend beyond the beginning of an external declaration:
Begin an external declaration[191]==Function declarators always appear at the ``top level'' of an external_declaration, and hence a declarator appearing within a component_list or a parameter_type_list is uninteresting in this computation:This macro is invoked in definition 177.&'NewDeclaration();'
Begin a component_list[192]==This macro is invoked in definition 29.&'BeginNestedDecl();'
End a component_list[193]==This macro is invoked in definition 29.&'EndNestedDecl();'
Begin a parameter_type_list[194]==This macro is invoked in definitions 14 and 156.&'BeginNestedDecl();'
End a parameter_type_list[195]==If a declarator specifies an array type to the left of the first specification of a function type, then that declarator is not a function declarator:This macro is invoked in definitions 14 and 156.&'EndNestedDecl();'
Array declarator[196]==Similarly, if a declarator specifies a pointer then no enclosing declarator is a function declarator:This macro is invoked in definition 155.&'ArrayOrPointerDecl();'
Pointer declarator[197]==Depending upon the context, any parameter list might be the parameter list of a function definition. If so, then the Environment value for that parameter list will be the Environment value for the function body:This macro is invoked in definition 153.&'ArrayOrPointerDecl();'
Begin a parameter list[198]==This macro is invoked in definition 156.&'FunctionDecl(RegionStackTop);'
State variable definitions[199]==Arbitrary nesting depth can be handled without a stack by incrementing the current value of DeclarationState by IsNested: A value greater than or equal to IsNested indicates the nested state, but the state at the top level is also preserved. This is the reason that DeclarationState cannot be declared as a variable of type DeclarationStateValues; with arbitrary nesting, DeclarationState takes on values that are not valid DeclarationStateValues.This macro is defined in definitions 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 207, and 213.typedef enum { UnknownDecl, IsFunction, NotFunction, IsNested } DeclarationStateValues; static int DeclarationState;
This macro is invoked in definition 6.
State variable definitions[200]==The state is reset at the beginning of each external definition:This macro is defined in definitions 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 207, and 213.void BeginNestedDecl() { DeclarationState += IsNested; } void EndNestedDecl() { DeclarationState -= IsNested; }
This macro is invoked in definition 6.
State variable definitions[201]==When the parser reaches a specification of a pointer, array or function it can decide whether it is dealing with a function definition or not. That decision is made on the basis of the leftmost such specification that is at the top level. In other words, a decision can only be made in the UnknownDecl state:This macro is defined in definitions 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 207, and 213.void NewDeclaration() { DeclarationState = UnknownDecl; }
This macro is invoked in definition 6.
State variable definitions[202]==If the state is IsFunction when the function body is reached, then FunctionEnvironment is the appropriate Environment value. Otherwise a new value representing a scope nested in the current scope must be created:This macro is defined in definitions 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 207, and 213.void ArrayOrPointerDecl() { if (DeclarationState == UnknownDecl) DeclarationState = NotFunction; } static Environment FunctionEnvironment; void #if PROTO_OK FunctionDecl(Environment Env) #else FunctionDecl(Env) Environment Env; #endif { if (DeclarationState == UnknownDecl) { DeclarationState = IsFunction; FunctionEnvironment = Env; } }
This macro is invoked in definition 6.
State variable definitions[203]==The interface to this module must include the interface to the environment module:This macro is defined in definitions 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 207, and 213.Environment #if PROTO_OK FunctionEnv(Environment Env) #else FunctionEnv(Env) Environment Env; #endif { if (DeclarationState == IsFunction) return FunctionEnvironment; return NewScope(Env); }
This macro is invoked in definition 6.
State variable declarations[204]==This macro is defined in definitions 204, 208, and 212.#include "envmod.h" extern void BeginNestedDecl ELI_ARG((void)); extern void EndNestedDecl ELI_ARG((void)); extern void NewDeclaration ELI_ARG((void)); extern void FunctionDecl ELI_ARG((Environment Env)); extern Environment FunctionEnv ELI_ARG((Environment Env));
This macro is invoked in definition 7.
The lexical analyzer actions needed at the defining occurrences of ordinary identifiers are different from those needed at applied ocurrences. Thus the lexical analyzer must be able to determine when it is dealing with a defining occurrence of an ordinary identifier. If we represent the defining occurrence of an ordinary identifier in the grammar by yet another terminal symbol, OrdinaryIdDef, then the lexical analyzer will know that it is dealing with a defining occurrence of an ordinary identifier if the parser will accept the symbol OrdinaryIdDef.
An identifier can be used as the name of an external function even though that identifier has not been declared. Such an identifier can occur only in an expression context, and that context must also be represented by a special terminal symbol, UnboundIdUse, to provide the necessary information to the lexical analyzer.
Thus this specification defines three terminal symbols for identifiers in addition to the two (identifier and typedef_name) used by the standard:
Additional terminal symbols representing identifiers[205]==This macro is invoked in definition 16.OrdinaryIdUse: $[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* OrdinaryIdDef: $[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* UnboundIdUse: $[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*
Since the size of the array cannot be known a priori, it is implemented by a stack:
Create a module to stack DefTableKey values[206]==A state variable keeps track of the index of the next element to be allocated on the stack, which is initialized with one element specifying the distinguished definition table key NoKey. NoKey is the definition table key assigned to undefined identifiers:This macro is invoked in definition 10.$/Adt/Stack.gnrc +instance=OrdinaryId +referto=DefTableKey :inst
State variable definitions[207]==This macro is defined in definitions 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 207, and 213.int NextKeyIndex = 1;
This macro is invoked in definition 6.
State variable declarations[208]==This macro is defined in definitions 204, 208, and 212.extern int NextKeyIndex;
This macro is invoked in definition 7.
Initialize the array of definition table keys[209]==The value of NextKeyIndex at any time is the number of elements in OrdinaryIdStack. In order to maintain this invariant, two actions are needed whenever a new key is allocated:This macro is invoked in definition 6.OrdinaryIdStackPush(NoKey);
New key[210]==Each defined ordinary identifier has three properties that must be established during parsing: a symbol, a syntax code and an index. The symbol is the index of the identifier's string in the character string memory array. Each string is stored exactly once, so the the values of the symbols for two identifiers with the same spelling will be the same. The syntax code is the integer classification of the identifier, and is always either typedef_name or OrdinaryIdUse. The index is the index of the definition table key in the array of defining occurrences.This macro is invoked in definitions 222 and 224.IdState.Index=NextKeyIndex++; OrdinaryIdStackPush(NoKey);
Properties of ordinary identifiers used during parsing[211]==This macro is invoked in definition 9.Symbol, SynCode, Index: int;
State variable declarations[212]==This macro is defined in definitions 204, 208, and 212.typedef struct { int Symbol, SynCode, Index; } IdProperties; extern IdProperties IdState;
This macro is invoked in definition 7.
State variable definitions[213]==IdState is a global variable that reflects the state information for the last defining occurrence of an ordinary identifier. The standard specifies (Section that a defining occurrence is bound to a definition table key at the end of the declarator in which it appears (unless it is an enumeration_constant). An arbitrary number of other defining occurrences may appear between a particular defining occurrence and the point at which it is bound. Therefore a stack must be used to save IdState until the identifier it describes can be bound:This macro is defined in definitions 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 207, and 213.IdProperties IdState;
This macro is invoked in definition 6.
Create a module to stack identifier state values[214]==The value of IdState.Symbol is set by the lexical analyzer for each occurrence of an identifier, and that of IdState.Index is set by the parser when it has accepted a defining occurrence of an ordinary identifier. IdState.SynCode is initialized to OrdinaryIdUse, and reset to that value by the parser whenever the end of a declaration is reached:This macro is invoked in definition 10.$/Adt/Stack.gnrc +instance=IdState +referto=IdProperties :inst
Initialize the class of ordinary identifiers[215]==This macro is invoked in definition 12.IdState.SynCode = OrdinaryIdUse;
End of a declaration[216]==When the parser accepts the storage class specifier typedef, it sets IdState.SynCode to typedef_name. This setting will persist until the end of the declaration containing the typedef:This macro is invoked in definition 127.&'IdState.SynCode = OrdinaryIdUse;'
A typedef storage class specifier has been accepted[217]==An enumeration_constant is never a typedef_name, even when the enumeration specifier follows a typedef storage_class_specifier:This macro is invoked in definition 132.&'IdState.SynCode = typedef_name;'
Begin a list of enumeration constants[218]==This macro is invoked in definition 142.&'IdStateStackPush(IdState); IdState.SynCode = OrdinaryIdUse;'
End a list of enumeration constants[219]==This macro is invoked in definition 142.&'IdState = IdStateStackPop;'
Initial classification of identifier terminals[220]==IdnOrType first uses mkidn to obtain the index of the character sequence in the character string memory array, placing that index into the state variable component IdState.Symbol. Next, the index is looked up in the RegionStackTop environment to obtain the corresponding definition table key (if one exists). The SynCode and Index properties of that definition table key are then queried, and the results of the queries become the classification of the terminal symbol and the representation respectively. Since UnboundIdUse is specified as the default value for the SynCode query, the terminal symbol will be classified as an UnboundIdUse unless a previous binding is visible in the current environment. Similarly, if there is no visible binding, the representation will be set to the value of the state variable NextKeyIndex.This macro is invoked in definition 6.void #if PROTO_OK IdnOrType(char *start, int length, int *syncode, int *rep) #else IdnOrType(start, length, syncode, rep) char *start; int length, *syncode; int *rep; #endif /* Obtain the internal coding of an identifier * On entry- * start points to the character string for the identifier * length=length of the character string for the identifier * syncode points to a location containing the initial terminal code * On exit- * syncode has been set to the terminal code * rep has been set to the internal coding ***/ { DefTableKey key; mkidn(start, length, syncode, &(IdState.Symbol)); key = KeyInEnv(RegionStackTop, IdState.Symbol); *syncode = GetSynCode(key, UnboundIdUse); *rep = GetIndex(key, IdState.Symbol); }
The classification determined by IdnOrType may or may not fit the current context. If it does fit, then the parser will accept the terminal symbol and continue. If it does not fit, the parser will invoke the function Reparatur:
Re-classify an identifier terminal to fit the context[221]==If the original classification was based on a visible definition, or if the identifier had not been previously classified, then Reparatur re-classifies the symbol as a defining occurrence of an ordinary identifier. Again, the parser will either accept the terminal symbol with this classification or invoke Reparatur. If Reparatur is invoked with the previous classification being a defining occurrence of an ordinary identifier, then it re-classifies the symbol as an identifier in one of the other name spaces (label, tag or member).This macro is invoked in definition 6.int #if PROTO_OK Reparatur(POSITION *coord, int *syncode, int *rep) #else Reparatur(coord, syncode, rep) POSITION *coord; int *syncode, *rep; #endif /* Repair a syntax error by changing the lookahead token * On entry- * coord points to the coordinates of the lookahead token * syncode points to the classification of the lookahead token * rep points to the representation of the lookahead token * If the lookahead token has been changed then on exit- * Reparatur=1 * coord, syncode and rep reflect the change * Else on exit- * Reparatur=0 * coord, syncode and rep are unchanged ***/ { if (*syncode == typedef_name || *syncode == OrdinaryIdUse || *syncode == UnboundIdUse) { *syncode = OrdinaryIdDef; *rep = NextKeyIndex; return 1; } if (*syncode != OrdinaryIdDef) return 0; *syncode = identifier; *rep = IdState.Symbol; return 1; }
In some constructs the state must be saved and the actual binding made when the end of that construct is reached; in other cases the binding must be done immediately.
Defer binding the declared identifier[222]==This macro is invoked in definitions 51 and 155.&'New key[210] IdStateStackPush(IdState);'
Carry out a deferred binding[223]==This macro is invoked in definitions 25 and 26.&'IdState = IdStateStackPop; Bind();'
Bind the identifier immediately[224]==In either case, the actual binding process is embedded in a function because of its relative complexity:This macro is invoked in definition 158.&'New key[210] Bind();'
Bind a defining occurrence of an ordinary identifier[225]==This macro is invoked in definition 6.void Bind() { DefTableKey key; key = DefineIdn(RegionStackTop, IdState.Symbol); ResetSymbol(key, IdState.Symbol); ResetSynCode(key, IdState.SynCode); ResetIndex(key, IdState.Index); OrdinaryIdStackArray(IdState.Index) = key; }
Operation interfaces[226]==This macro is defined in definitions 226.extern void Bind();
This macro is invoked in definition 7.
Every type has the isComplete property, whose value is 0 if the type is incomplete and 1 otherwise.
Properties of types[227]==This macro is defined in definitions 227, 228, 230, 235, 237, 238, and 239.isComplete: int;
This macro is invoked in definition 244.
Properties of types[228]==KeyForArray accepts the definition table key for an element type T and returns the corresponding incomplete array type:This macro is defined in definitions 227, 228, 230, 235, 237, 238, and 239.ElementType: DefTableKey; ArrayOf: DefTableKey;
This macro is invoked in definition 244.
Array type[229]==This macro is invoked in definition 241.if ((ArrayKey = GetArrayOf(T, NoKey)) == NoKey) { ArrayKey = NewKey(); ResetOilType( ArrayKey, OilClassInst2( OilClassTypeIs_Array, ArrayKey, GetOilType(T, OilErrorType()), GetOilType(KeyForPointer(T), OilErrorType()))); ResetArrayOf(T, ArrayKey); ResetElementType(ArrayKey, T); }
Properties of types[230]==KeyForFunction accepts the definition table key for a return type T and returns the corresponding function type:This macro is defined in definitions 227, 228, 230, 235, 237, 238, and 239.FunctionReturning: DefTableKey; ReturnType : DefTableKey;
This macro is invoked in definition 244.
Function type[231]==There are three different types of parameter lists. The first type is the Unspecified type, which corresponds to a non-ANSI declaration, where no signature is given. The second type, ExplicitAndFixed is the normal ANSI declaration, where the number of parameters given is explicit (i.e. it won't change). The third type is the variable declaration, and it's called ExplicitAndVariable.This macro is invoked in definition 241.if ((FunctionKey = GetFunctionReturning(T, NoKey)) == NoKey) { tOilType functionType, pointerType; FunctionKey = NewKey(); functionType= OilClassInst1( OilClassTypeIs_Function, FunctionKey, GetOilType(T, OilErrorType())); ResetOilType(FunctionKey,functionType); pointerType=GetOilType(KeyForPointer(FunctionKey), OilErrorType()); OilAddCoercion( OilNewOp( CFunctoPtr, OilAddArgSig(pointerType, OilAddArgSig(functionType, OilNewArgSig())), 1)); ResetReturnType(FunctionKey, T); ResetFunctionReturning(T, FunctionKey); ResetKind(FunctionKey, Kind_function); }
Modifier types[232]==This macro is invoked in definition 240.typedef enum { Unspecified, ExplicitAndFixed, ExplicitAndVariable } TypeOfSignature;
Attributes for type computations[233]==FQSignature and Signature are used presently to determine the signature of a parameter list, but may change in the future if something more appropriate is found.This macro is invoked in definition 243.ATTR Type: DefTableKey; ATTR FQSignature: int; ATTR Signature: KeyArray;
Parameter signature computations[234]==This macro is invoked in definition 243.SYMBOL parameter_part COMPUTE SYNT.Signature = NoKeyArray; SYNT.FQSignature = ExplicitAndFixed; END; SYMBOL parameter_type_list_opt COMPUTE THIS.Signature = NoKeyArray; THIS.FQSignature = ExplicitAndFixed; END;
Properties of types[235]==KeyForPointer accepts the definition table key for a referenced type T and returns the corresponding pointer type:This macro is defined in definitions 227, 228, 230, 235, 237, 238, and 239.BaseType : DefTableKey; PointedToBy: DefTableKey;
This macro is invoked in definition 244.
Pointer type[236]==This macro is invoked in definition 241.if ((PtrKey = GetPointedToBy(T, NoKey)) == NoKey) { PtrKey = NewKey(); ResetOilType( PtrKey, OilClassInst1( OilClassTypeIs_Pointer, PtrKey, GetOilType(T, OilErrorType()))); ResetisComplete(PtrKey, 1); ResetPointedToBy(T, PtrKey); ResetBaseType(PtrKey, T); }
If the unqualified version of a type has either the isConst or isVolatile property, their values are 0. Qualified versions of the type have the appropriate properties with the value 1. If a qualified version of a type has an inappropriate property, the value of that property is 0. (Thus a const-qualified type has the isConst property with value 1; it may or may not have the isVolatile property, but if that property is present then its value is 0.)
Properties of types[237]==If qualified versions of a type exist, the unqualified version also exists. The definition table key for each qualified version is the value of the appropriate property (ConstType, VolatileType or ConstVolatileType) of the unqualified version. Every qualified version of a type has the definition table key of the unqualified version of that type as the value of the UnqualifiedType property.This macro is defined in definitions 227, 228, 230, 235, 237, 238, and 239.isConst : int; isVolatile : int;
This macro is invoked in definition 244.
Properties of types[238]==This macro is defined in definitions 227, 228, 230, 235, 237, 238, and 239.UnqualifiedType : DefTableKey; ConstType : DefTableKey; VolatileType : DefTableKey; ConstVolatileType : DefTableKey;
This macro is invoked in definition 244.
Properties of types[239]==This macro is defined in definitions 227, 228, 230, 235, 237, 238, and 239.Type : DefTableKey; Kind : int [Is];
This macro is invoked in definition 244.
buildtype.h[240]==This macro is attached to a product file.#ifndef BUILDTYPE_H #define BUILDTYPE_H #include <stdio.h> #include "eliproto.h" /* determines if we can use prototypes */ #include "type.h" #include "IntSet.h" #include "pdl_gen.h" #include "deftbl.h" #include "err.h" /* for error stuff */ #include "keyarray.h" Modifier types[232] extern DefTableKey KeyForArray ELI_ARG((DefTableKey)); extern DefTableKey KeyForFunction ELI_ARG((DefTableKey)); extern DefTableKey KeyForPointer ELI_ARG((DefTableKey)); extern DefTableKey KeyForQualifier ELI_ARG((DefTableKey, int, int)); extern DefTableKey KeyForEnum ELI_ARG((DefTableKey)); extern DefTableKey KeyForStructOrUnion ELI_ARG((DefTableKey, TypeKinds)); #endif
buildtype.c[241]==This macro is attached to a product file.#include "oiladt2.h" #include "OilDecls.h" #include "buildtype.h" /* * This routine finds a qualified version of the current type * The qualifier is specified by a Kwd_(const/volatile) parameter * * If there is an error, this routine calls the message() function */ DefTableKey #ifdef PROTO_OK KeyForQualifier(DefTableKey currentKey, int isconst, int isvolatile) #else KeyForQualifier(currentKey, isconst, isvolatile) DefTableKey currentKey; int isconst, isvolatile; #endif { DefTableKey UnqualifiedKey, nextKey; UnqualifiedKey = GetUnqualifiedType(currentKey,currentKey); isconst |= GetisConst(currentKey,0); isvolatile |= GetisVolatile(currentKey,0); if (isconst && isvolatile) { if ((nextKey = GetConstVolatileType(UnqualifiedKey,NoKey)) == NoKey) { ResetConstVolatileType(UnqualifiedKey, nextKey = NewKey()); ResetOilType(nextKey, GetOilType(UnqualifiedKey, OilErrorType())); ResetisConst(nextKey, 1); ResetisVolatile(nextKey, 1); ResetUnqualifiedType(nextKey,UnqualifiedKey); } } else if (isconst) { if ((nextKey = GetConstType(UnqualifiedKey,NoKey)) == NoKey) { ResetConstType(UnqualifiedKey, nextKey = NewKey()); ResetOilType(nextKey, GetOilType(UnqualifiedKey, OilErrorType())); ResetisConst(nextKey, 1); ResetUnqualifiedType(nextKey,UnqualifiedKey); } } else if (isvolatile) { if ((nextKey = GetVolatileType(UnqualifiedKey,NoKey)) == NoKey) { ResetVolatileType(UnqualifiedKey, nextKey = NewKey()); ResetOilType(nextKey, GetOilType(UnqualifiedKey, OilErrorType())); ResetisVolatile(nextKey, 1); ResetUnqualifiedType(nextKey,UnqualifiedKey); } } else nextKey = UnqualifiedKey; /* no qualifiers */ return nextKey; } DefTableKey #ifdef PROTO_OK KeyForPointer(DefTableKey T) #else KeyForPointer(T) DefTableKey T; #endif { DefTableKey PtrKey; Pointer type[236] return PtrKey; } DefTableKey #ifdef PROTO_OK KeyForArray(DefTableKey T) #else KeyForArray(T) DefTableKey T; #endif { DefTableKey ArrayKey; Array type[229] return ArrayKey; } DefTableKey #ifdef PROTO_OK KeyForFunction(DefTableKey T) #else KeyForFunction(T) DefTableKey T; #endif { DefTableKey FunctionKey; Function type[231] return FunctionKey; } DefTableKey #ifdef PROTO_OK KeyForStructOrUnion(DefTableKey TagKey, TypeKinds kind) #else KeyForStructOrUnion(TagKey, kind) DefTableKey TagKey; TypeKinds kind; #endif { DefTableKey StructTypeKey; /* if a key for type is not present for this tag, create one */ StructTypeKey = GetType(TagKey, NoKey); if (StructTypeKey == NoKey) { StructTypeKey = NewKey(); /* reset the type property of the tag */ ResetType(TagKey, StructTypeKey); /* reset the OIL type for the struct or union */ ResetOilType( StructTypeKey, OilClassInst0(OilClassTypeIs_Struct,StructTypeKey)); } IsKind(StructTypeKey, kind, Kind_error); return StructTypeKey; } /* ** This function returns a new DefTableKey for an enum. All the ** corresponding properties are set for the returned key. */ /* Section 6.5.3 states that all enumeration constants have the type int. Thus, although every enum is a new type, all enums have an int OIL type. */ DefTableKey #ifdef PROTO_OK KeyForEnum(DefTableKey TagKey) #else KeyForEnum(TagKey) DefTableKey TagKey; #endif { DefTableKey EnumTypeKey; /* if a key for type is not present for this tag, create one */ EnumTypeKey = GetType(TagKey, NoKey); if (EnumTypeKey == NoKey) { EnumTypeKey = NewKey(); ResetType(TagKey, EnumTypeKey); ResetisComplete(EnumTypeKey, 1); /* add the new oil type for the enum */ ResetOilType(EnumTypeKey, OilClassInst0(OilClassTypeIs_Enum, EnumTypeKey)); } /* Check the kind of type, if there is no Kind property then the property is set to Kind_enum. If it's not Kind_enum, change the type to Kind_error */ IsKind(EnumTypeKey, Kind_enum, Kind_error); return EnumTypeKey; }
buildtype.HEAD.phi[242]==This macro is attached to a product file.#include "buildtype.h"
TypeRep.lido[243]==This macro is attached to a product file.Attributes for type computations[233] Parameter signature computations[234]
TypeRep.pdl[244]==This macro is attached to a product file.Properties of types[227]
TypeRep.specs[245]==This macro is attached to a product file.$/pdl/keyarray.specs
Chain that indicates types have been set[246]==This macro is invoked in definition 272.CHAIN _C_GotTypes: VOID; SYMBOL file COMPUTE CHAINSTART HEAD._C_GotTypes=0; SYNT.GotAllTypes=TAIL._C_GotTypes DEPENDS_ON THIS.MemberGotScopeProp; END; SYMBOL declarator COMPUTE THIS.Type=TAIL.TypeChain; THIS._C_GotTypes=THIS.Type; END; SYMBOL member_declarator COMPUTE THIS._C_GotTypes=TAIL.TypeChain; END; RULE: member_declarator ::= COMPUTE member_declarator._C_GotTypes=member_declarator._C_GotTypes; END;
Declaration specifiers[247]==This macro is defined in definitions 247, 250, 254, 260, 261, and 265.Simple declaration specifier[262] (`typedef') Simple declaration specifier[262] (`extern') Simple declaration specifier[262] (`static') Simple declaration specifier[262] (`auto') Simple declaration specifier[262] (`register')
This macro is invoked in definition 272.
Storage-class specifier keywords[248]==The KWD macro is used simply as a documentation aid, allowing us to pull together several aspects of the declaration specifiers. The first argument is the enumerated constant used to represent the declaration specifier internally, and the third gives the set of declaration specifiers that are incompatible with the specifier represented by the keyword. Abbreviations are used for specific groups of bits:This macro is invoked in definition 256.KWD(Kwd_typedef, 0, (ClassBits)), KWD(Kwd_extern, 0, (ClassBits)), KWD(Kwd_static, 0, (ClassBits)), KWD(Kwd_auto, 0, (ClassBits)), KWD(Kwd_register, 0, (ClassBits))
Abbreviations for sets of bits[249]==This ensures that at most one storage-class specifier may be given in the declaration specifiers of a declaration.This macro is defined in definitions 249 and 251.#define ClassBits ((1<<(Kwd_register + 1)) - (1<<Kwd_typedef))
This macro is invoked in definition 269.
Declaration specifiers[250]==As in the case of storage specifiers, the KWD macro is used to describe the keywords and the constraints on their use. The abbreviations are:This macro is defined in definitions 247, 250, 254, 260, 261, and 265.Specifier that determines type[263] (`void', `TypeIs_void') Simple declaration specifier[262] (`char') Simple declaration specifier[262] (`short') Simple declaration specifier[262] (`int') Simple declaration specifier[262] (`long') Specifier that determines type[263] (`float', `TypeIs_float') Simple declaration specifier[262] (`double') Simple declaration specifier[262] (`signed') Simple declaration specifier[262] (`unsigned')
This macro is invoked in definition 272.
Abbreviations for sets of bits[251]==This macro is defined in definitions 249 and 251.#define TypeBits ((1<<Kwd_char) | (1<<Kwd_int) | (1<<Kwd_double)) #define SizeBits ((1<<Kwd_short) | (1<<Kwd_long)) #define SignBits ((1<<Kwd_signed) | (1<<Kwd_unsigned))
This macro is invoked in definition 269.
Type specifier keywords[252]==A struct_or_union_specifier, enum_specifier or typedef_name is represented by the keyword Kwd_typeid. Like void and float, these specifiers completely determine the type and may not occur with any other type specifiers:This macro is defined in definitions 252 and 253./* void is represented by Kwd_typeid */ KWD(Kwd_char, 1, ((1<<Kwd_typeid) | TypeBits | SizeBits)), KWD(Kwd_short, 3, ((1<<Kwd_typeid) | SizeBits | (1<<Kwd_char))), KWD(Kwd_int, 0, ((1<<Kwd_typeid) | TypeBits)), KWD(Kwd_long, 4, ((1<<Kwd_typeid) | SizeBits | (1<<Kwd_char))), /* float is represented by Kwd_typeid */ KWD(Kwd_double, 2, ((1<<Kwd_typeid) | TypeBits | (1<<Kwd_short) | SignBits)), KWD(Kwd_signed, 5, ((1<<Kwd_typeid) | SignBits)), KWD(Kwd_unsigned, 6, ((1<<Kwd_typeid) | SignBits)),
This macro is invoked in definition 256.
Type specifier keywords[253]==In general, all of the specifiers must be examined before the specified type is known. We use a chain, Specification, to implement the state of the specifier scan:This macro is defined in definitions 252 and 253.KWD(Kwd_typeid, 0, ((1<<Kwd_typeid) - (1<<Kwd_char)))
This macro is invoked in definition 256.
Declaration specifiers[254]==This macro is defined in definitions 247, 250, 254, 260, 261, and 265.CHAIN Specification: SpecData;
This macro is invoked in definition 272.
Specification data[255]==This macro is invoked in definition 274.typedef struct { long KeywordSet; DefTableKey SpecifiedType; int CurrentState; } SpecData;
Specifier keywords[256]==The KWD macro is used simply as a documentation aid, allowing us to pull together several aspects of the declaration specifiers. The first argument is the enumerated constant used to represent the declaration specifier internally. The second argument is that specifier's input value for the finite state machine that ultimately determines the type represented by the sequence of specifiers. Finally, the third argument gives the set of declaration specifiers that are incompatible with the specifier represented by the keyword. Abbreviations, defined as follows, are used for specific groups of bits:This macro is invoked in definitions 259 and 269.Type specifier keywords[252], Storage-class specifier keywords[248], KWD(Kwd_const, 0, ((1<<Kwd_const) | (1<<Kwd_volatile))), KWD(Kwd_volatile, 0, ((1<<Kwd_const) | (1<<Kwd_volatile)))
The finite-state machine is defined by the following transition table:
Finite-state machine[257]==State 0 is the initial state, and if the state of the machine determines the type, the type determined is specified by the second component of the state.This macro is invoked in definition 277./* u * n * d s s * o s i i * c u h l g g * i h b o o n n * n a l r n e e * t r e t g d d ***/ /* 0*/ {{ 0, 1, 9, 4, 7, 0, 6}, TypeIs_int}, /* 1*/ {{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3}, TypeIs_char}, /* 2*/ {{ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, TypeIs_signed_char}, /* 3*/ {{ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3}, TypeIs_unsigned_char}, /* 4*/ {{ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5}, TypeIs_short}, /* 5*/ {{ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5}, TypeIs_unsigned_short}, /* 6*/ {{ 6, 3, 6, 5, 8, 6, 6}, TypeIs_unsigned_int}, /* 7*/ {{ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8}, TypeIs_long}, /* 8*/ {{ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8}, TypeIs_unsigned_long}, /* 9*/ {{ 9, 9, 9, 9,10, 9, 9}, TypeIs_double}, /*10*/ {{10,10,10,10,10,10,10}, TypeIs_long_double}
The finite-state machine is implemented as part of an abstract data type that exports the operations InitSpecifiers, FinalType and InSpecifierSet to its customers.
Abstract data type for finite-state machine[258]==Another operation, NextSpecifier, is exported by the module. This operation takes the keyword for the specifier and the chain value. It returns 1 if the specifier is legal in the current state of the machine, and 0 otherwise. It also caches the updated chain value for subsequent operations.This macro is defined in definitions 258 and 259.SpecData #ifdef PROTO_OK InitSpecifiers(void) #else InitSpecifiers() #endif { SpecData CurrentData; CurrentData.KeywordSet = 0; CurrentData.SpecifiedType = NoKey; CurrentData.CurrentState = 0; return CurrentData; } DefTableKey #ifdef PROTO_OK FinalType(SpecData chain) #else FinalType(chain) SpecData chain; #endif { if (chain.SpecifiedType != NoKey) return chain.SpecifiedType; else return State[chain.CurrentState].Type; }
This macro is invoked in definition 277.
Abstract data type for finite-state machine[259]==This macro is defined in definitions 258 and 259.#define KWD(w,i,s) i static int FSMInput[] = { Specifier keywords[256] }; #undef KWD #define KWD(w,i,s) s static long Exclude[] = { Specifier keywords[256] }; #undef KWD int #ifdef PROTO_OK NextSpecifier(TypeSpecifier kw, SpecData chain) #else NextSpecifier(kw, chain) TypeSpecifier kw; SpecData chain; #endif { return (Exclude[kw] & chain.KeywordSet) == 0; } SpecData #ifdef PROTO_OK UpdateSpecification(DefTableKey type, TypeSpecifier kw, SpecData chain) #else UpdateSpecification(type, kw, chain) DefTableKey type; TypeSpecifier kw; SpecData chain; #endif { if ((Exclude[kw] & chain.KeywordSet) == 0) { if (type != NoKey) chain.SpecifiedType = type; chain.KeywordSet |= (1 << kw); chain.CurrentState = State[chain.CurrentState].Next[FSMInput[kw]]; } return chain; }
This macro is invoked in definition 277.
Declaration specifiers[260]==NextSpecifier is used to set the attribute ok which, in turn, controls the production of an error report:This macro is defined in definitions 247, 250, 254, 260, 261, and 265.SYMBOL declaration_specifiers COMPUTE CHAINSTART HEAD.Specification=InitSpecifiers() DEPENDS_ON THIS._C_GotTypes; SYNT.TypeSpecified=FinalType(TAIL.Specification); SYNT.IsTypedef= InSpecifierSet(Kwd_typedef, TAIL.Specification); SYNT.IsExtern= InSpecifierSet(Kwd_extern, TAIL.Specification); SYNT.IsStatic= InSpecifierSet(Kwd_static, TAIL.Specification); SYNT.IsRegister=InSpecifierSet(Kwd_register,TAIL.Specification); SYNT.IsConst= InSpecifierSet(Kwd_const, TAIL.Specification); SYNT.IsVolatile=InSpecifierSet(Kwd_volatile,TAIL.Specification); THIS._C_GotTypes="yes" DEPENDS_ON ( THIS.TypeSpecified, THIS.IsTypedef, THIS.IsExtern, THIS.IsStatic, THIS.IsRegister, THIS.IsConst, THIS.IsVolatile); END;
This macro is invoked in definition 272.
Declaration specifiers[261]==The computation of ok is the only task to be done for most of the declaration specifiers, but these computations must be synchronized via Specification:This macro is defined in definitions 247, 250, 254, 260, 261, and 265.ATTR ok: int; SYMBOL declaration_specifier COMPUTE IF(NOT(THIS.ok), message(ERROR,"Illegal specifier",0,COORDREF)); END;
This macro is invoked in definition 272.
Simple declaration specifier[262](¶1)==Here the parameter is the C keyword.This macro is invoked in definitions 247, 250, and 265.RULE: declaration_specifier ::= '¶1' COMPUTE declaration_specifier.ok= NextSpecifier(Kwd_¶1,declaration_specifier.Specification); declaration_specifier.Specification= UpdateSpecification(NoKey,Kwd_¶1,declaration_specifier.Specification); END;
Five type specifiers determine the type immediately, and cannot appear with size or sign specifiers.
Specifier that determines type[263](¶2)==This macro is invoked in definition 250.RULE: declaration_specifier ::= '¶1' COMPUTE declaration_specifier.ok= NextSpecifier(Kwd_typeid,declaration_specifier.Specification); declaration_specifier.Specification= UpdateSpecification(¶2,Kwd_typeid,declaration_specifier.Specification); END;
type for ds1 with a typedef_name[264]==This macro is invoked in definition 272.RULE: declaration_specifier ::= typedef_name COMPUTE declaration_specifier.ok= NextSpecifier(Kwd_typeid,declaration_specifier.Specification); declaration_specifier.Specification= UpdateSpecification( GetType(OrdinaryIdStackArray(typedef_name), NoKey), Kwd_typeid, declaration_specifier.Specification); END;
Declaration specifiers[265]==Since incompleteness of a type depends on processing the types in textual order, we need to ensure this order is maintained during the evaluation of the types by using the _C_GotTypes chain.This macro is defined in definitions 247, 250, 254, 260, 261, and 265.Simple declaration specifier[262] (`const') Simple declaration specifier[262] (`volatile')
This macro is invoked in definition 272.
If a struct_or_union_specifier contains a member specification, the computations create a new type in accordance to the standard section The new type is a struct or union containing the members of component_list. The list of members is created by consistent renaming over member scopes and is available in component_list.MemberEnv.
type for ds1 with a struct_or_union_specifier[266]==This macro is invoked in definition 272.RULE: declaration_specifier ::= struct_or_union_specifier COMPUTE declaration_specifier.ok= NextSpecifier(Kwd_typeid,struct_or_union_specifier.Specification); declaration_specifier.Specification= UpdateSpecification( struct_or_union_specifier.Type, Kwd_typeid, struct_or_union_specifier.Specification); END; ATTR IsStruct: TypeKinds; RULE: struct_or_union ::= 'struct' COMPUTE struct_or_union.IsStruct=Kind_struct; END; RULE: struct_or_union ::= 'union' COMPUTE struct_or_union.IsStruct=Kind_union; END;
type for ds1 with a enum_specifier[267]==This macro is invoked in definition 272.RULE: declaration_specifier ::= enum_specifier COMPUTE declaration_specifier.ok= NextSpecifier(Kwd_typeid,declaration_specifier.Specification); declaration_specifier.Specification= UpdateSpecification( enum_specifier.Type, Kwd_typeid, declaration_specifier.Specification) DEPENDS_ON enum_specifier.Specification; END;
Type kinds[268]==This macro is invoked in definition 274.typedef enum { Kind_error, Kind_struct, Kind_union, Kind_enum, Kind_function, } TypeKinds;
Type keywords[269]==This macro is invoked in definition 274.#define KWD(w,i,s) w typedef enum { Specifier keywords[256] } TypeSpecifier; #undef KWD Abbreviations for sets of bits[249]
typesets code[270]==This macro is invoked in definition 273.TypeIs_void -> PointedToBy={TypeIs_VoidPointer}; TypeIs_VoidPointer -> BaseType={TypeIs_void}; /* void is incomplete according to the standard */ TypeIs_char -> isComplete={1}; TypeIs_signed_char -> isComplete={1}; TypeIs_unsigned_char -> isComplete={1}; TypeIs_short -> isComplete={1}; TypeIs_unsigned_short -> isComplete={1}; TypeIs_int -> isComplete={1}; TypeIs_unsigned_int -> isComplete={1}; TypeIs_long -> isComplete={1}; TypeIs_unsigned_long -> isComplete={1}; TypeIs_float -> isComplete={1}; TypeIs_double -> isComplete={1}; TypeIs_long_double -> isComplete={1};
Set library[271]==This macro is invoked in definition 275.$/Adt/IntSet.gnrc :inst $/Adt/List.gnrc+instance=DefTableKey +referto=deftbl :inst
type.lido[272]==This macro is attached to a product file.Chain that indicates types have been set[246] Declaration specifiers[247] type for ds1 with a typedef_name[264] type for ds1 with a struct_or_union_specifier[266] type for ds1 with a enum_specifier[267]
type.pdl[273]==This macro is attached to a product file.typesets code[270]
type.h[274]==This macro is attached to a product file.#ifndef TYPE_H #define TYPE_H #include "eliproto.h" #include "deftbl.h" #include "envmod.h" #define UNSIZEDARRAY (0) struct ArrayTuple { DefTableKey TheKey; int Size; struct ArrayTuple *Next; }; typedef struct ArrayTuple *ArrayList; #define NoArrayList ((ArrayList) 0) extern void AddToArrayList ELI_ARG((ArrayList *, DefTableKey, int)); extern DefTableKey FindArraySized ELI_ARG((ArrayList, int)); Type kinds[268] Type keywords[269] Specification data[255] extern SpecData InitSpecifiers ELI_ARG((void)); extern SpecData UpdateSpecification ELI_ARG((DefTableKey, TypeSpecifier, SpecData)); extern DefTableKey FinalType ELI_ARG((SpecData)); extern int NextSpecifier ELI_ARG((TypeSpecifier, SpecData)); #define InSpecifierSet(kw,chain) (((1 << kw) & chain.KeywordSet) != 0) #endif
type.specs[275]==This macro is attached to a product file.Set library[271] $/oil/oiladt2.h
type.head[276]==This macro is attached to a product file.#include "type.h"
type.c[277]==This macro is attached to a product file.#include "type.h" #include "oiladt2.h" #include "OilDecls.h" #include "buildtype.h" static struct {int Next[7]; DefTableKey Type;} State[] = { Finite-state machine[257] }; Abstract data type for finite-state machine[258]
Rule computations[278]==This macro is invoked in definition 293.ATTR op : tOilOp; /* attributes only used locally */ ATTR PossTypes : tOilTypeSet; /* possible types. A synthesized attribute */ ATTR FinalType : tOilType; /* final type. an inherited attribute */ ATTR Indication : tOilOp; ATTR ExprValue : int; SYMBOL Expression: IsKnownConst : int, NeedaFunc : int; /* true for function calls */ SYMBOL file COMPUTE SYNT.GotAllConstantId=CONSTITUENTS enumeration_constant.GotConstantId; END; SYMBOL enumeration_constant COMPUTE SYNT.GotConstantId=ResetIsKnownConst(THIS.Key, 1); END; SYMBOL Expression COMPUTE SYNT.IsKnownConst=0; SYNT.ExprValue=0; INH.NeedaFunc=0; INH.FinalType=OilSelectTypeFromTS(THIS.PossTypes); END; RULE: constant_exp_opt ::= COMPUTE constant_exp_opt.ExprValue = 0; END; RULE: Expression ::= IdUse COMPUTE Expression.PossTypes= IF (EQ(Expression.NeedaFunc, 1), GetTypeWhenIdUseIsaFunction(IdUse.Key, COORDREF), GetTypeWhenIdUseIsDefined(IdUse.Key, COORDREF)) DEPENDS_ON INCLUDING file.GotAllTypes; Expression.IsKnownConst= GetIsKnownConst(IdUse.Key, 0) DEPENDS_ON INCLUDING file.GotAllConstantId; END; RULE: Expression ::= constant COMPUTE Expression.PossTypes = constant.PossTypes; Expression.ExprValue = constant.ExprValue; Expression.IsKnownConst = 1; END; RULE: Expression ::= StringSeq COMPUTE Expression.PossTypes= OilTypeToSet( GetOilType( KeyForQualifier(KeyForPointer(TypeIs_char), 1, 0), OilErrorType())); Expression.IsKnownConst = 1; END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression '[' Expression ']' COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS2( Expression[1].FinalType, OilOpSubscript_Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes, Expression[3].PossTypes); Expression[1].PossTypes= OilIdResultTS2( OilOpSubscript_Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes, Expression[3].PossTypes); Expression[1].IsKnownConst= AND(Expression[2].IsKnownConst,Expression[3].IsKnownConst); Expression[2].FinalType=OilGetArgType(.op,1); Expression[3].FinalType=OilGetArgType(.op,2); END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression '(' argument_exp_list ')' COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( Expression[1].FinalType, OilOpCall_Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes); IF(NOT(OilIsValidOp(.op)),message(ERROR,"Invalid call",0,COORDREF)); /* check arg list types */ Expression[1].PossTypes= OilIdResultTS1(OilOpCall_Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes); Expression[2].NeedaFunc=1; END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression '(' ')' COMPUTE /* check arg list types */ Expression[1].PossTypes= OilIdResultTS1(OilOpCall_Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes); Expression[2].NeedaFunc=1; END; ATTR type: DefTableKey; ATTR kind: TypeKinds; RULE: Expression ::= Expression '.' MemberIdUse COMPUTE .type=OilTypeName(OilSelectTypeFromTS(Expression[2].PossTypes)); .kind=GetKind(.type,Kind_error); Expression[1].PossTypes = OilTypeToSet( GetOilType( GetType(MemberIdUse.MemberKey,NoKey), OilErrorType())); MemberIdUse.MemberScope=GetMemberScope(.type,NoEnv); IF(AND(NE(.kind,Kind_struct),NE(.kind,Kind_union)), message(ERROR,"Not a structure or union",0,COORDREF)); END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression '->' MemberIdUse COMPUTE .type= GetBaseType( OilTypeName(OilSelectTypeFromTS(Expression[2].PossTypes)), NoKey); .kind=GetKind(.type,Kind_error); Expression[1].PossTypes= OilTypeToSet( GetOilType( GetType(MemberIdUse.MemberKey,NoKey), OilErrorType())); MemberIdUse.MemberScope=GetMemberScope(.type,NoEnv); IF(AND(NE(.kind,Kind_struct),NE(.kind,Kind_union)), message(ERROR,"Not a pointer to a structure or union",0,COORDREF)); END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression '++' COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( Expression[1].FinalType, OilOpIncrement_Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes); Expression[1].PossTypes=Expression[2].PossTypes; Expression[2].FinalType=OilGetArgType(.op,1); END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression '--' COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( Expression[1].FinalType, OilOpDecrement_Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes); Expression[1].PossTypes=Expression[2].PossTypes; Expression[2].FinalType=OilGetArgType(.op, 1); END; RULE: Expression ::= '++' Expression COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( Expression[1].FinalType, OilOpIncrement_Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes); Expression[1].PossTypes=Expression[2].PossTypes; Expression[2].FinalType=OilGetArgType(.op,1); END; RULE: Expression ::= '--' Expression COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( Expression[1].FinalType, OilOpDecrement_Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes); Expression[1].PossTypes=Expression[2].PossTypes; Expression[2].FinalType=OilGetArgType(.op,1); END; RULE: Expression ::= unary_operator Expression COMPUTE .op=unary_operator.op; Expression[1].PossTypes= OilIdResultTS1(unary_operator.Indication,Expression[2].PossTypes); unary_operator.op= OilIdOpTS1( Expression[1].FinalType, unary_operator.Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes); Expression[1].IsKnownConst= IF( OR( EQ(unary_operator.Indication,OilOpDereference_Indication), EQ(unary_operator.Indication,OilOpReference_Indication)), 0, Expression[2].IsKnownConst); Expression[2].FinalType=OilGetArgType(unary_operator.op,1); END; RULE: Expression ::= 'sizeof' Expression COMPUTE Expression[1].PossTypes=OilTypeToSet(OilTypeTypeIs_int); Expression[1].IsKnownConst=1; END; RULE: Expression ::= 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')' COMPUTE Expression[1].PossTypes=OilTypeToSet(OilTypeTypeIs_int); Expression[1].IsKnownConst=1; END; RULE: Expression ::= '(' type_name ')' Expression COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( GetOilType(type_name.Type,OilErrorType()), OilOpCast_Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes); Expression[1].PossTypes= OilTypeToSet(GetOilType(type_name.Type,OilErrorType())); Expression[1].IsKnownConst=Expression[2].IsKnownConst; Expression[1].ExprValue=Expression[2].ExprValue; Expression[2].FinalType=OilGetArgType(.op,1); END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression binary_operator Expression COMPUTE Expression[1].PossTypes= OilIdResultTS2( binary_operator.Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes, Expression[3].PossTypes); Expression[1].IsKnownConst= AND(Expression[2].IsKnownConst,Expression[3].IsKnownConst); binary_operator.op= OilIdOpTS2( Expression[1].FinalType, binary_operator.Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes, Expression[3].PossTypes); Expression[2].FinalType=OilGetArgType(binary_operator.op,1); Expression[3].FinalType=OilGetArgType(binary_operator.op,2); END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression '?' Expression ':' Expression COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( OilTypeTypeIs_int, OilOpConditional_Indication, Expression[2].PossTypes); Expression[1].PossTypes= OilTypeToSet(OilBalance(Expression[3].PossTypes,Expression[4].PossTypes)); Expression[1].IsKnownConst= AND( Expression[2].IsKnownConst, AND(Expression[3].IsKnownConst,Expression[4].IsKnownConst)); Expression[2].FinalType=OilGetArgType(.op,1); Expression[3].FinalType=Expression[1].FinalType; Expression[4].FinalType=Expression[1].FinalType; END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression ',' Expression COMPUTE Expression[1].PossTypes=Expression[3].PossTypes; Expression[3].FinalType=Expression[1].FinalType; END;
Miscellaneous Types[279]==This section is the "shut up the compiler" section.This macro is invoked in definition 293.ATTR FloatValue: int; RULE: constant ::= floating_constant COMPUTE constant.PossTypes=OilTypeToSet(OilTypeTypeIs_float); constant.ExprValue=floating_constant; END; ATTR IntegerValue: int; RULE: constant ::= integer_constant COMPUTE constant.ExprValue=integer_constant; constant.PossTypes= IF(EQ(integer_constant,0), OilTypeToSet(OilTypeTypeIs_NULL), OilTypeToSet(OilTypeTypeIs_int)); END; ATTR CharValue: int; RULE: constant ::= character_constant COMPUTE constant.PossTypes=OilTypeToSet(OilTypeTypeIs_char); constant.ExprValue=character_constant; END;
Shut Up[280]==This macro is invoked in definition 293.RULE: struct_declarator ::= member_declarator ':' Expression COMPUTE /* specify that Expression is an integral constant */ Expression.FinalType = OilTypeTypeIs_int; END; RULE: enumerator ::= enumeration_constant '=' Expression COMPUTE /* specify that Expression is an integral constant */ Expression.FinalType = OilTypeTypeIs_unsigned_long; END; RULE: labeled_statement ::= 'case' Expression ':' statement COMPUTE /* specify that Expression is an integral constant */ Expression.FinalType = OilTypeTypeIs_int; END; RULE: Expression ::= COMPUTE Expression.PossTypes=OilTypeToSet(OilTypeTypeIs_int); END;
Required types[281]==This macro is invoked in definition 293.RULE: selection_statement ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' statement COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( OilTypeTypeIs_int, OilOpConditional_Indication, Expression.PossTypes); END; RULE: selection_statement ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' statement 'else' statement COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( OilTypeTypeIs_int, OilOpConditional_Indication, Expression.PossTypes); END; RULE: selection_statement ::= 'switch' '(' Expression ')' statement COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( OilTypeTypeIs_int, OilOpConditional_Indication, Expression.PossTypes); END; RULE: iteration_statement ::= 'while' '(' Expression ')' statement COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( OilTypeTypeIs_int, OilOpConditional_Indication, Expression.PossTypes); END; RULE: iteration_statement ::= 'do' statement 'while' '(' Expression ')' ';' COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( OilTypeTypeIs_int, OilOpConditional_Indication, Expression.PossTypes); END; RULE: jump_statement ::= 'return' Expression ';' COMPUTE .op= OilIdOp2( OilOpAssign_Indication, GetOilType( GetReturnType(INCLUDING function_definition.Type, NoKey), OilErrorType()), OilSelectTypeFromTS(Expression.PossTypes)); Expression.FinalType=OilGetArgType(.op, 2); END; RULE: for_test ::= Expression COMPUTE .op= OilIdOpTS1( OilTypeTypeIs_int, OilOpConditional_Indication, Expression.PossTypes); END;
Get return type of function_definition[282]==This macro is invoked in definition 293.RULE: function_definition ::= declaration_specifiers declarator declaration_list_opt compound_statement COMPUTE function_definition.Type = declarator.TypeChain; END; RULE: function_definition ::= declarator declaration_list_opt compound_statement COMPUTE function_definition.Type = declarator.TypeChain; END;
Assign Indication[283](¶3)==This macro is invoked in definitions 284 and 285.RULE: ¶1 ::= ¶2 COMPUTE ¶1.Indication = OilOp¶3_Indication; END;
Unary Indication rules[284]==This macro is invoked in definition 293.Assign Indication[283] (`unary_operator', `'&'', `Reference') Assign Indication[283] (`unary_operator', `'*'', `Dereference') Assign Indication[283] (`unary_operator', `'+'', `Plus') Assign Indication[283] (`unary_operator', `'-'', `Minus') Assign Indication[283] (`unary_operator', `'~'', `Bitwise_Not') Assign Indication[283] (`unary_operator', `'!'', `Not')
Binary Indication rules[285]==This macro is invoked in definition 293.Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'*'', `Multiplication') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'/'', `Division') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'%'', `Mod') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'+'', `Addition') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'-'', `Subtraction') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'<<'', `Bit_Shift_Left') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'>>'', `Bit_Shift_Right') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'<'', `LessThan') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'>'', `Greater') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'<='', `LessThan_Equal') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'>='', `Greater_Equal') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'=='', `Equality') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'!='', `Not_Equal') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'&'', `Bitwise_And') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'^'', `Bitwise_XOr') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'|'', `Bitwise_Or') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'&&'', `And') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'||'', `Or') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'='', `Assign') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'*='', `Mult_Eq') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'/='', `Div_Eq') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'%='', `Mod_Eq') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'+='', `Plus_Eq') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'-='', `Minus_Eq') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'<<='', `Bitwise_Shift_Left_Eq') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'>>='', `Bitwise_Shift_Right_Eq') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'&='', `Bitwise_And_Eq') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'^='', `Bitwise_XOr_Eq') Assign Indication[283] (`binary_operator', `'|='', `Bitwise_Or_Eq')
Sanity Checks for constant values[286]==This operator should eliminate some typing, because most of the checks are very repetitive.This macro is invoked in definition 293.RULE: constant_exp_opt ::= Expression COMPUTE constant_exp_opt.ExprValue = Expression.ExprValue; IF(NOT(Expression.IsKnownConst), message(ERROR,"Array bound is not constant",0,COORDREF)); END; RULE: struct_declarator ::= member_declarator ':' Expression COMPUTE IF(NOT(Expression.IsKnownConst), message(ERROR,"Bitfield size is not constant",0,COORDREF)); END; RULE: enumerator ::= enumeration_constant '=' Expression COMPUTE IF(NOT(Expression.IsKnownConst), message(ERROR,"Enumeration value is not constant",0,COORDREF)); END; RULE: labeled_statement ::= 'case' Expression ':' statement COMPUTE IF(NOT(Expression.IsKnownConst), message(ERROR,"case value is not constant",0,COORDREF)); END;
Operator Check[287](¶2)==This macro is invoked in definition 288.RULE: ¶1 COMPUTE IF (EQ(.op, OilErrorOp()), message(ERROR, ¶2, 0, COORDREF)); END;
Sanity checks for expression types[288]==This macro is invoked in definition 293.Operator Check[287] (`Expression ::= Expression '[' Expression ']'', ` "Not an array type, or invalid subscript"') Operator Check[287] (`Expression ::= Expression '++' ', ` "Cannot use increment operator on non-scalar types"') Operator Check[287] (`Expression ::= Expression '--' ', ` "Cannot use decrement operator on non-scalar types"') Operator Check[287] (`Expression ::= '++' Expression ', ` "Cannot use increment operator on non-scalar types"') Operator Check[287] (`Expression ::= '--' Expression ', ` "Cannot use decrement operator on non-scalar types"') SYMBOL operator COMPUTE IF(NOT(OilIsValidOp(THIS.op)), message(ERROR, "Invalid operator", 0, COORDREF)); END; SYMBOL unary_operator INHERITS operator END; SYMBOL binary_operator INHERITS operator END; Operator Check[287] (`Expression ::= '(' type_name ')' Expression ', ` "Illegal cast"') Operator Check[287] (`Expression ::= Expression '?' Expression ':' Expression ', ` "conditional expression not a valid type"') Operator Check[287] (`selection_statement ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' statement ', ` "Illegal expression in if condition"') Operator Check[287] (`selection_statement ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' statement 'else' statement ', ` "Illegal expression in if condition"') Operator Check[287] (`selection_statement ::= 'switch' '(' Expression ')' statement ', ` "Illegal expression in switch condition"') Operator Check[287] (`iteration_statement ::= 'while' '(' Expression ')' statement ', ` "Illegal expression in while condition"') Operator Check[287] (`iteration_statement ::= 'do' statement 'while' '(' Expression ')' ';' ', ` "Illegal expression in while condition"') Operator Check[287] (`for_test ::= Expression ', ` "Illegal expression in while condition"') RULE: Expression ::= Expression '?' Expression ':' Expression COMPUTE IF (EQ(OilSelectTypeFromTS(Expression[1].PossTypes), OilErrorType()), message(ERROR, "The expressions for ':' have incompatible types", 0, COORDREF)); END;
Guarantee DefTableKey for function[289]==This code makes sure that the given DefTableKey has been declared, and that this is not the 1st occurrence of it.This macro is invoked in definition 292.tOilTypeSet #ifdef PROTO_OK GetTypeWhenIdUseIsaFunction(DefTableKey functionKey, CoordPtr curpos) #else GetTypeWhenIdUseIsaFunction(functionKey, curpos) DefTableKey functionKey; CoordPtr curpos; #endif { /* * Comment: currently, the only context this is being called from is * when we have been handed a DefTableKey (of an identifier), and we * know that this DefTableKey has to have a function type. */ if (GetType(functionKey, NoKey) == NoKey) { /* * If we get to here, this key doesn't have a Type property set. * I take this to mean that this is the 1st time we've seen it, * which means that it gets turned into an incomplete prototype */ ResetType(functionKey, KeyForFunction(TypeIs_int)); ResetKind(functionKey, Kind_function); } /* * Make sure that we're working with a function */ if (GetKind( GetType(functionKey, NoKey), Kind_error ) != Kind_function) { message(ERROR, "Illegal function", 0, curpos); return OilTypeToSet(OilErrorType()); } return OilTypeToSet(GetOilType(GetType(functionKey,NoKey),OilErrorType())); }
Guarantee declaration for DefTableKey[290]==This macro is invoked in definition 292.tOilTypeSet #ifdef PROTO_OK GetTypeWhenIdUseIsDefined (DefTableKey variableKey, CoordPtr curpos) #else GetTypeWhenIdUseIsDefined (variableKey, curpos) DefTableKey variableKey; CoordPtr curpos; #endif { TypeKinds kind; DefTableKey IdType; if (GetType(variableKey, NoKey) == NoKey) { /* * This may be wrong.... but it prevents some cascade errors if we * use this variable in other places */ ResetType(variableKey, TypeIs_int); ResetReturnType(variableKey, TypeIs_int); } IdType = GetType(variableKey, NoKey); return OilTypeToSet( GetOilType( GetKind(IdType, Kind_error) == Kind_function ? GetPointedToBy(IdType, NoKey) : IdType, OilErrorType())); }
defkeyfunc.h[291]==This macro is attached to a product file.#ifndef DEFKEYFUNC_H #define DEFKEYFUNC_H #include "eliproto.h" #include "deftbl.h" #include "buildtype.h" #include "envmod.h" tOilTypeSet GetTypeWhenIdUseIsaFunction ELI_ARG((DefTableKey, CoordPtr)); tOilTypeSet GetTypeWhenIdUseIsDefined ELI_ARG((DefTableKey, CoordPtr)); #endif
defkeyfunc.c[292]==This macro is attached to a product file.#include "defkeyfunc.h" #include "err.h" #include "buildtype.h" #include "type.h" #include <stdio.h> Guarantee DefTableKey for function[289] Guarantee declaration for DefTableKey[290]
compute.lido[293]==The following line is required to make ELI find the Oil header file with all of the Oil definitions in it.This macro is attached to a product file.Rule computations[278] Required types[281] Miscellaneous Types[279] Shut Up[280] Unary Indication rules[284] Binary Indication rules[285] Get return type of function_definition[282] Sanity Checks for constant values[286] Sanity checks for expression types[288]
compute.specs[294]==This macro is attached to a product file.$/oil/oiladt2.h $/Adt/csm.h
compute.head[295]==Another attribute of a DefTableKey is an oil type, which is used when the DefTableKey refers to a type.This macro is attached to a product file.#include "defkeyfunc.h"
compute.pdl[296]==This macro is attached to a product file."oiladt2.h" OilOp : tOilOp; IsKnownConst: int;